craig myburg

Senior Member
craig myburg wrote:
count me in to represent team SSEC-WP at the 5 species comp. if i can get off from work that is. i'll let you guys kno closer to that date.
hey EXTREMIST you got to get yourself a sealine shirt to be part of the team hahahahaha:hyst::hyst::hyst::hyst::hyst::hyst::hyst::hyst: and you will get off from work
that wont be possible, unless sealine has a shirt in blue and white stripes.. i aint no blou bal.. lol
hey we are all WP support here on sealine but you must get a shirt HAHAHAHAHA
do not ever say that word blou bull


ello ello Mr Mixit...

There are a few of us with rugby knowledge that are blue bull supporters around here....

craig myburg

Senior Member
Marthin wrote:
ello ello Mr Mixit...

There are a few of us with rugby knowledge that are blue bull supporters around here....
holla holla brother how things going have not hear from you in a long time.

i pray everything is all right at home with what happen. sorry to hear about it.

on there is only WP supporters around here witch do not know much about what the game call
