Hi Guys ,   it's been a bit bit ...:?


New member
Hi Everyone.

It was good meeting new members of Sealine.

I want to say a special thanks to Reefman for assisting me with my casting... just that 1 thing has made a huge difference.... Garrick thanks for feeding me you are the "braai master".

I agree that Simen and Michelle's departure to the West Coast is a big loss to Sealine.... thanks for all you have done and good luck.

@Andries well done on your casting.. you have improved ... like "Wow" keep it up.

I think everyone who attended the Sealine social was a "winner".. because I am sure we all gained more knowlede and shared some knowledge.... isn't that what it is all about.... "GO SEALINE"





New member
Hey Guys,

Once again, thanks for a brilliant saturday out. It was most informative and entertaining.

Garrick, many thanks for the braai bud........my fiances gonna give you a call for an explaination on the exponential growth of my boop.........

Wes, thanks for the beer mate, went down really well while i explained my late arrival home to the lady!!!! ;)

All in all, great day out!!! Go Sealine!!!! Growing as rapidly as my belly!!!!





Had a great time, again, thanks Sealine!

You must teach me how to cast mate, that 153m was spectacular! Well done!

Great to see you again. That overwind was a bugger btw, first cast of the day and almost the last!

Great to finally meet you man. Love the dropshot kit!

Big pitty you're leaving man, your presence at future socials will be missed. All the best for Nambia and tight lines.

Last but by no means least, thanks for the bimini tutorial.

To the rest of the guys, thanks again, had a blast. :)


Hi Weedeater.
Thanks for letting us test that Saltist 30 - it is a great reel. Marcelle wound it up to 110m and was looking good.

First casting lesson:
Listen to whatever Reefman and Magman have to say.
These guys have yonks of knowledge and experience and share it willingly.
Reefman has an excellent off the ground cast, a technique that forms the basis of all forms of distance casting.
Mag-man has brought with him the fundamentals of the pendulum, which is an extension of the ground cast and therefore these guys compliment each other fantastically.
After that it is look, learn and practice.

Just think about the swing, speed up the lead and let rip.

Good casting friend.
(Stop looking at the reel - feel it with your thumb - look at the sky)

Mike Pike

Hi all.big thanks to reefman ,simen,michelle for laying on an awesome social,homie can do all my baits now andries casting with wes as backup and reefman for casting tips and knots etc ryan can carry all the tackle on beach and royboy can bring the wheels for doughnuts in parking lot when fish go off the bite, kumz for more bait techniques if fish are really fussy. jokes aside guys had a great time meetin u all and mixing it with a group of like minded individiuals thx 4 the prizes will c u at next one regards Mike Pike.good luck to simen and michelle with your new venture in Nam and may the fish be with u all ..


Shot Michael.....I love donuts. By the way, those wheels will get the donuts there super quickly!!!!!! As long as there are no bumps in the road. Teee hee hee.