Is the a correct position for them? I'm referring to the bite indicator we hang on the line in front of the rod which moves up and down, in case anyone gets confused by any chance... must your line be as tight as possible to allow a steeper slope between rod and indicator? Or should it be loo&se enough to hang half way between tip and ground just further away from the rod? Or loose enough to hang just above the water?(this I'd what I currently do) because I think it's the more slack on your like the better your presentation? Is that correct or if not what is? Lastly if your policeman drops straight down into the water and lays there motionless until you tighten up again - then what has just happened? What causes that? And how should I react to it? My current reaction is to leave it for a few min and see what happens then tighten up if nothing happens. (I've tried striking right after it happens but nothing ) so I'm not buying the whole 'it's the fish picking up and swimming towards me'. Sometimes that saying might be true but definitely not walways.