Would like to chat to other kite fishermen. Have b


Senior Member
Just a question to you experiences kite anglers, as us Capies will land up in Aus with the SE here if we used kites!

How do you make your trace? Do you use a sinker or let your bait float around? And what is a good distance to let your kite out?

Flip Beukes

Senior Member
No Boet you will stay here, there is a very simple way to even kite in galeforce winds, you make a square kite and cut the inside of your kite out so that you end up having only a band on the outside of your kite frame the inside totally gone will give you enough lift but not having all the resistance you can easily tac the kite in any direction left or right from the main wind direction. Normally srong winds call for a small kite and vice verca but a small kite tac's more difficult and tends to fall out the sky easily. I found that a big kite (800 x 800 mm ) with the "histerectomy" works best its also very important to fly your kite with an extra long tail that helps a lot with  keeping the kite sit still. Your second question, in my opinion is the anglers choice, I prefer to fish one rod with a dropline from the main kite line. On the bottom of the kite dropline I fish a  2l coke bottle half to 3/4 filled with water for weight but air inside as well for boyancy this then stays on the surface with a 2-3m trace below that. I make traces with one hook through the baitfish lips and one or two more hooks along the side of the baitfish normally shad or bonnito two big trebbles work well but make sure to use decent hooks, have had plenty of opened up trebbles!!!!! specially with big sharks. I also cable tie my trace to the baitfish and close the mouth and gills of the baitfish with small white cable ties. (If you fish with bonnito as bait take a knife and slash a few cuts on the side of the bonnie to allow good bleeding this almost gaurantees a bite) a narrow bladed knife can be used to puncture the stomach and allow these fluids to drain as well.

Flip Beukes

Senior Member
Its fine Raggie then you need what I ve got there is a couple of tricks to the making of that reel we should talk that over it took me some time and schoolfees to figure it out but the latest model is the one I am most satisfied with.

Flip Beukes

Senior Member
Mine can fit 2000 meters of decron just remember the smaller the diameter of the line on reel the more turns you need to recover line its better to have a lot of line on and work with the top line we have a one to one ratio here!


Senior Member
Winds here done really allow kite fishing to take place and 90% of the time the wind is straight into your face. But still, would like to try it one day.

And jees, you are hooking fish at 1400meters, isnt the fish almost dead when it finally lands on the beach?

Flip Beukes

Senior Member
Raggie we should do a trip down to Port Shepstone got a score to settle with a giant Zambie over there he took my new custom build 400 HMG 8+1 and the Trinidad 50, I bought myself for Fathersday and havent seen him or my rod again!!! I believe the locals call him the "Sheppie express" Had a 1,5kg Tuna head out on a slider that day and was caught offgaurd fishing for shad and left the big rod in the rodholder the drag must have been too tight cos he just broke the rod of one time!! I did test the drag with my hand but it wasnt good enough. He is hooked quite often at the block but nobody has been successful in landing him most people end up clear spooled!!!!!! Will put a pic up of what I have left or that rod.


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Flip Beukes

Senior Member
Please no I will be dead if I have to recover 1400 meters every time I kite  only 400m that is enough to give you awork out anyway

Flip Beukes

Senior Member
Learned the hard way if you fish for big fish dont be lazy HOLD the rod in your hands a rod holder is not good enough

Flip Beukes

Senior Member
Have you ever been to Tugela mouth? There is beeeeeg Zambies have seen them in the mouth of the river, something to see. They take turtles there quite often appartly the sharks come there into the fresh water of the mouth to get rid of parasites (this I have been told ) dont want to start something.

If there is another reason let the guys tell us I am open for suggestions.


Senior Member
Ha ha ha, sorry Flip, i know this is wrong, but damn bru! A new 8+1 and TN50 off into the deep blue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats gotta make anyone cry like a baby!

Have also had a bronzie pull my rod out, luckily i got my rod while it was on the way to the water!

Well hope you boys get old Sheppie Express back, and get to take lots of photo's.


[color=#006600]Flip Beukes[/color] wrote:
appartly the sharks come there into the fresh water of the mouth to get rid of parasites (this I have been told )

Flip - I'd heard this as well.... Apparently although many people have tried in years past, no one has been able to hook up with this sharks as they aren't feeding....


Zambezi's have been found incredibly far up river though, 2000 kilometres by some reports, so I'm sure they do feed in freshwater.... I know there is also rumoured to be a permanent population of them in Lake Nicuragua which is a loooooong way from the ocean, and completely fresh, so I'm sure they do adapt....

I think the ones on our coast head up into the fresh possibly for parasites... be interesting to find if any studies have been done on this...They do however, DEFINTELY start feeding once they leave the fresh....:temp:

Flip Beukes

Senior Member
I know they feed on their return have had good takes just north of the mouth there is reef unfortunately so its difficult getting anything out

Flip Beukes

Senior Member
Yes bro there was only one right thing to do the next morning I went to the shop and bought a brand new rod and reel exactly the same and went back but he wasnt there think he was tired after his skiing lesson the day before ironically the rod was apparently recovered by an indian oke a couple of days later it was bobbing infront of sandspitts and he fished it out.


Senior Member
and the Reel Flip ?? didn't offer to return your rod ?? I would cry and then cry some more

zambies have been reported as far inland as the Kruger National Park way way back but with dams being built it is limiting there range (build more dams lol)

they are commonly found near river mouths and estuary systems and thought to be the main culprit for shark attacks