UHF & VHF Radio lisence's

Jaco Scheepers

New member
Good day.

I havent been offshore fishing for a while, but slowly getting ready to go catch a Bill again.

Radio lisences have become a thing?

Do you present your license before a launch?

Where do you get them and how much does it cost?

I searched the forum but could see anything.


You will have to approach an approved training center and undergo the new DSC (Digital select calling) VHF course.

Once you have that you will have to purchase the new DSC VHF radio and then obtain a unique code for it called a IMMC code from ICASA. You will also have to have the radio licenced through ICASA.

The entire process takes quite some time and is pretty expensive
What Michael said.
Once you have your vhf operators license, you can send in your application to license the radio. ICASA will give you a letter saying that you have submitted and and this letter will be accepted.


New member
Morning, I've filled in my forms(VHF Ship Station). To who do I send the forms to at Icasa?

mailed the below with no answer


This is the chap i normally communicate with:-

Mokgadi Lesiba Ledwaba

Tel: 011 566 3321
Fax: 011 566 3322
Email: mledwaba@icasa.org.za