Staff member
Has anyone out there dared to upgrade his Penn Jigmaster 500 & what upgrades did you do, & how did it improve the operating of the reel ito Before & After & was it worth doing ?

It will be gr8 to hear from previous & current Penn owners.


Staff member
Hi Guppigetta,

I have thought about the mag issue & will chat to Ettiene about doing it.

Regarding the Aluminium spool, I got a red anodised light weight spool from
Alan in the Cape.

When I received it from Alan a few years ago, I tried it on my original 500, though it seemed as if the spool was slightly to long.

Since then Covid came & my mini projects came to standstill.

So, now its back to the "playroom".


New member
Hi Ben Reiners, is the actual spool longer than the original or is it just the shaft? Maybe the spool isn't for the 500 but for another reel. If it is just the shaft that is a little too long but all other dimensions are correct it could be that the cap screw on the left side plate is screwed in too far.


Staff member
The 2 spools are the exact same in length & as well as the shafts on both sides.

I should re-visit my previous project I dumped due to Covid & find the problem there, as I doubt it was the spool. Has to be the reel itself.


New member
I Googled Penn 500 and found that someone tried fitting a 506 spool to a 500 and found the 506 spool shaft is a bit longer than that of the 500. Apparently the 506 takes bearings and the 500 takes bushes so the 506 shaft is longer. Hope you come right.

willem wikkel spies

Staff member
learned the hard way via a jigmaster.

then i found some daiwas.

then i found some shimano's.

look at reels as consumable items.

yes they tend to last long when looked after.
but one day, you will eventually upgrade, like we all did.

enjoy it.


Staff member
Hey Jonge Heer Willem......;).....been thre, done that, got the T-Shirt.

Maar dit is daai terugkeer na nostalgie wat jou laat verlang na die leermeester , nl Penn 500 & die goeie ou dae.

Ek strip vandag nog ou KP,'s, maak skoon, skuur af, vervang bearings, hanvatsels, & gee die KP so bietjie WD 40 om in die houtwerk in te trek, & dan vang ek met hulle.
Dit gee jare se plesier.

willem wikkel spies

Staff member
Ben, so true!!!!

Nothing like reverting back to the good old days.

it was a steep learning curve.
It was great times.

still plenty to have, we just need to make time for it.