Hello. I am new to this forum and I live in Sweden

chokka 123

New member
Once you know a trick or tip it always seems obvious , but in reality every little detail takes a long time to figure out especially in designing something like lures.

That is what makes this forum so cool , your question always gets answered :sha:sha::slr::

By helping others you acknowledge the help others have given you.
Pickadoll wrote:
Pieter Immelman, yes I went to Africa for answers :)! I did first ask this question in European forums and then United states Muskie/Pike forums without any good answer.
Then I found this forum with great tutorials from Bennie!

Bennie, No worries man! I was a bit stressed cause the winter has come now. In 1-2 weeks all the lakes will be frozen and I wanted my new prototype ready before the ice hits the lakes so I could make some lures in the winter without be needed to test them in water :)!
And... How is it going? Can we get some feedback?


New member
This is how the lure looks with paint on.

And this is how it swims in the water. It is a Glider! Watch in HD :)!
-----> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HyvO5apnm38


  • 1463702_10152410996298009_1864167046_n.jpg
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New member
Bennie Jordan. Thanks!
I dont know about the trading part cause I guess you are fishing in Salt sea-water and I dont know if my lures work in salt water and my lures are pretty shallow running around 0,5m to 1,5m deep water.

Chokka 123, thank you so much!
Hi Everyone,
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask on the forum. Unfortunately, I do not respond to PM's. I would rather respond in the open forum for everyone's benefit...



New member
Hi Bennie,

I am mainly fishing off a kayak so I'm trying to design and build some small bait imitation lures for Snoek trolling off the back line. I am planning on building a Rapala type imitation but the lip is the challenging part.

In the past to test the design I've carved it from balsa wood and shaped cheap plastic/pvc into a lip. Cut a groove for it and glued it in place.

My plan is to design the mould and bend the wire form in such a way that the lure is pulled from the lip/bib.

Do you think it will work moulding the lip at the same time to the body will work...what resin would you use?
I would rather glue the lip in after moulding because if you are hand making the lip, each one needs to be precise and it wont allow you to experiment with different shapes. That said, if you can make them precise or buy commercial lips, there is no reason why you cant incorporate it into the mould process.