New Boating Regs


Dugongboy, I used to get a letter from the Port Captains office saying that I was competent in launching and going to sea alone, last year they stopped doing it and said "NOBODY will go out alone". But now I have a jetski, and that I go out alone on?!?!?!


I also heard that it was stopped but also heard that you can go but are limited to 1nm offshore??????
By the way the westerely hit PE at 11 so should be here in the night/morning so Friday morning is looking good for clubbing the snoek again off the Umgeni !!!


New member
There is nothing in the current regulation prohibiting you to go to sea on your own (I am not sure whether this is adressed in the new proposals though). Every authority controlling a launch site is allowed to add its own rules and regulations and this is where many authorities stop you from going out alone. In my opinion it doesn't make much sense to stop a quy from launching on his own although I will never do it and I think it should be discouraged. I know guys who take their garden boys with just because they are not allowed to be on their own. This to me is worse than launching alone because they now endanger 2 people because the poor garden boy doesn't no a thing about the sea and will be of no use in an emergency. I think it should be an educational issue rather than an enforced one.


Thanks for the input Yeldman I have just spoken to a mate who said the same as you so I need to get in touch with DSBC to get their stance on it.
There are obvious dangers in boating alone an extra care has to be taken - ie. attaching kill switch lanyards when cruising,limiting distance from shore/base, err on the side of safety with regards to weather and sea conditions, etc...but I must say that I feel safer than driving my car sometimes with some of the idiots we have on the roads.....or even walking my dog in the evenings with all the savage criminals about.......(one of the reasons I stopped surf fishing!)and unless they start piracy on the high seas I hope I can still get to launch alone every once in a while.


New member
The reason given to me why it is not in the National regs is because all type of craft are covered by the same regs and it will make it very difficult to implement it if you stop guys on ski boats from launching alone while you have guys on fishing skis and jets skis on the end of the slide and guys sailing single handed on massive yachts on the other side. If you think about it: it should be safer fishing on your own than to sail around the world on your own!

Ancient One

New member
Hi Guys
Been thru the regs - minimum per craft is 2. Jetskis and fishing skis and the like are discussed seperately. For a "boat" Cat R to Cat B, minimum on board for a launch is 2. Far as local launch sites adding their own rules, they can provided that all aspects of the national regs remain in force as a bare minimum - local authoritirs can only bring in additional clauses. For my 2c worth, this is another problem with the regs - should local authorities be allowed to implement additional requirements? If these regs are national regs, shouldn't they be just that - a singlae, nationally adopted and accepted set of regs for everybody to comply with? Allowing local authorities to make additions confuses the issue for everybody. One of the original aims of the new regs was to standardise - it was acknowledged by SAMSA that boaters were mobile, did not always launch from the same site, therefore standardised regs would be to everybody's benefit. We don't have that.