Enhancing breath holding/ lung capacity aid


New member
great find Mahi. thank u.
I understand the whole experiment and it makes sense. i think all these products still comes down to one thing, it increases your lung capacity and all these products had positive results.

Still my question. Where in CPT can we get hold of these units??


New member
im willing to ship if the price is right. its just customs are a bitch with importing goods. They nail you 80percent of the time


New member
Found it guys. www.wantitall.co.za
Powerlung is more or less R2600
ultrabreathe is R827 with shipping to my adress cpt.
Just ordered, will let ya know when it arrives.


New member
The best way to increase your bottom time is to get your head right and do anaerobic training like overs and unders in a pool.

Or you can use EPO, like Lance :fbash