Malema in n gebou wat brand

Malema is in n gebou wat brand. Die brandweer ouens is daar. Hulle hou n net vas en laat die mense een vir een afspring.

Almal gaan tot net Malema oor is. Die brandweer manne sê vir hom: "Spring ons sal jou vang met die net"

Hy sê: "Aikona!! Ek trust julle nie. Sit die net op die grond....":fbash:fbash:fbash


New member
so a laborer goes to malema to complain that his boss keeps on referring to him as stupid
malema decides his gona come speak to the boss
melama comes at the place of work & addresses the boss & says to him that you can't call your laborer stupid it's discrimination
The boss says but this guy is so stupid that he just can't help it
No you can't says melama
the boss then calls the laborer over & tells malema he'll prove to malema how stupid this guy is
Boss to laborer ; run up the stairs & go to the 10th floor & see if I'm there.
laborer leaves & goes up 10 floors & back,returns out of breath ,'NO BOSS YOU'RE NOT THERE'
malema to the laborer ;
" hey man ,but you are stupid , you ran all the way up the stairs to the 10th floor & back down to see if your boss was there ,


Jaaa... net tot die Engelse hom julle president maak, dan moet julle al hierdie poste vinnig verwyder !


New member
Malama is in grade 5.
Teacher: Write me a composition about Defense & Defeat in detail.
Malema: The cow jumps over defense, first defeat then detail.