Best bait for carp


New member
Hey guys what is the beste brand or bait that is the best for vaalrivier and fir bloemhof and what rigs do you use ::tight:


New member

people will tell you all sorts of things to promote various brands especially the influencers and sponsored anglers.

all these brands get the flavorings from one or two manufacturing company's bottle them with a base and sell them to us.

Bloemhof is an easy dam to catch fish at simple as that, i think thats why theres not allot of information on the dam.

most of the time i've never need to use any dips

plain white or yellow float with a sweet white dough backing has worked well for me and just a plain sweetcorn Koo pip thats it and as simple as it gets. Worms if you want

if i were to choose a few baits i wouldn't leave with out it would be these dips and floaties

my preference would be

Petite Janine
Tjop Tjop
Devils Fork


Plain Yellow / White
Gold / Bronze Medals
banjo or pink sweets

Rigs are pretty standard Sliding Rietvlei these can be purchased ready made from most fresh water tackle stores

and if you go to a tackle shop the are going to upsell you allot of things you need.