Wind-on Leader


Hiya Guys,

I have been mass producing Wind-on Leaders for over two years now after picking up the idea from the Southern Cape Boyz. During this time I have made a number of versions, but I think this will be the setup I'll stick to for a long while.

I use a single stand dacron, but have a double section of about 5cm near the top of the wind-on where I believe this additional grip will ensure the mono will NEVER slip.

Enigma's recent 'heads up' on the Tanaka Stitch put the finishing touches to a great wind-on.

If anyone needs more info or explination please add onto the thread or simply drop me a PM.[/align][align=left]


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With the new 130, 200 and 300lbs Hollow core Jerry Brown Spectra just landed the windon will have a serious upgrade

Much smaller outer diameter of connector and perfect single splice connectors

The 200lbs is equivalent of 80lbs Dacron in diameter and the fibers don't break up with the nylon action inside the connector.

130lbs Spectra (= 50lbs dacron) 0.60 - 1mm

200lbs Spectra (= 80lbs dacron) 0.80 - 1.8mm

300lbs Spectra (=100 - 130lbs dacron) 1 - 2.5mm


Hiya Enigma,

Can't wait to get my hands on the new product and your genius way to connect!

Still thik the now humble wind-on leader has a place in the tackle bag.

Again an amazing concept you got going Enigma, going to be next best thing since the invention of bubblegum!




Quicker option, no mess no fuss to thread the nylon into the dacron is to use a hollow splicing needle, straight and true and when you get the hang of it it never wants to punch through the wall of the dacron.

I also found that 2 blunt Darning needles on either end of the dacron/spectra makes extremely short work of the Tanaka splice

Great pic tutorial Brett, you're going to love the 200lbs Spectra and the options it gives with the windon and it's not much more expensive than the Dacron (for what it offers vs what it costs you can't go wrong)


New member
trophy when you use the dental floss do you wind it around by the tanaka stich or where the mono enters the darcon, or do you do it to both?



Only around the spot where the dacron ends over the mono

The Tanaka splice is interlocking and locks as it is pulled tight. Using the floss on the splice will impair it's function.


Hi Trophy, great tutorial!

 I have only one problem and that is getting the main lenth of dacron over the short piece of the shorter piece of dacron that is over the 1.6mm. I use 1.6mm Shogun and 130lb Dacron and can`t seem to get the dacron over itself where the line is inserted.

I will appreciate your help here.


Some of the tighter weave Dacron types won't allow for a double sheath over 1.6mm and bigger and you would need a 200lbs of that brand to do a double.

Single with 130lbs would be sufficient in this case


Thanks Enigma. So do you just insert the shorter end into the main length of dacron and start the 1.6 where the shorter piece ends?


That's it and in this case the short leg is really short ie 3cm and 20cm on the long leg, try get the mono into the short leg for 1cm (sand the end of the mono round and smooth to assist)


Thanks, will give it a try as I have spend countless hours trying to get that second leg over as I said to myself it can`t be, why does it work with you guys but not with me? So now it makes sense. Hope to be more productive from now on.
So I made a few 1.2mm`s with the same 130lb, Will this hold or will it slip on a body wrap?


Difficult to say as I don't know the dacron, if it is a snug fit then no problem but if it is loose in the the dacron then rather not use it


New member
Hi all, :imnew so i'm probably be doing something wrong - I cant see the photos in most of the knot tutorials on the forum :(