It seems every one who started out here went back to putting their heads in the sand.
Most preparation required is between your ears.
What are you prepping for should be the first question, otherwise there is no sense in prepping.
To do the right kind of prepping you need knowledge, that thing that is kept from the sheeple.
Nibiru and the pole shift is a reality. When this disaster comes by, there are different stages, if you make the wrong moves you have less chance of making it. This event, lasting many months with a few years after effect, requires longer time preparedness. You need to provide for when it has passed, because there may not be shops and infra structure around to go back to to survive from.
Previous descriptions when this event took place can be read on in the Kolbrin bible, Nancy Leader's Zeta Talk and there are some good Youtube Video's showing what to expect.
Signs that the world is preparing for this event is the massive Seed Vault (Sweden), underground bunkers by the elite, and more... This has also been warned on China Tv and Russian Tv for people to prepare for this. You won't find any of this on Western Tv or news because the communist NWO wants 90% of the people to die because according to them there are too many people on the earth, and they want to lessen the count to only so many that they can control to serve them.
WW3 is fueled and with it they want a disaster and at least a civil war in each country to break out. Global disaster so the Anglo-Zionist banks can as they did before, offer a solution afterwards to keep their money in control. Have a look at what "fractional reserve banking" is, and look on youtube for "all wars are bankers wars".
Religion is the next big one. Not hard to figure out that humanity has been had through 16 previous Jesusses and that religion is not what you think it is. I will offer one of many many links pointing this fraud out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cspe2R2xXTM Michael Tsarion Real Meaning Of Christian Symbolism
And here is what it does - http://in5d.com/religion-gives-us-the-worlds-largest-mental-disorder-religithexia/ religion gives us the worlds largest mental disorder
This is what they use to dumb you down.
Religion, ridiculous role models, money ego and materialism, divide and conquer techniques, television, education, health. The three main legs this deceit is standing on is religion, money and politics.
To sum it up, everything we live in is false, lies and nothing is as it seems. David Icke does a good job explaining it here Alex Jones & David Icke Satanism and Elite Pedophile Rings https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-J10qalF1hA
In our situation here, let me point a few perceptions out that was learned to you which is a lie -
"South Africa" is not a country because South Africa has no founding people. It is still an (illegal) English colony consisting of 5 countries and the Cape colony. These 5 countries are the Boer Republics, the internationally acknowledged country of the Boers, Swaziland, Lesotho, Zululand and the Transkei. The Cape was never claimed.
"South Africa" is not a "republic", a republic can only be maintained under a people of the same nation who the land belongs to, not in a democracy and or under "multiculturism" run under the English Westminster political system.
"Anti-Apartheid", as is forced in South Africa is nothing but genocide, the intent to destroy a people in part or as a whole as specified by Genocide-watch.org. Other people ruling over you is also referred to as alien subjugation forced on us as is stated by the UN's Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples which is described as "domination and exploitation which constitutes a denial of fundamental human rights", which is illegal to do.
Human Rights was finally discontinued in the 1913 and 1933's. The "constitution" is just a sound good thing which doesn't apply to humans. You can also try to get an alloidal title on your land you think you bought...
You are registered as a corporation with the government, the law says only a corporation's name is in capital letters. Now go look on your ID to see if you are a human or a corporation. Capitis Diminutio Maxima (meaning a maximum loss of status through the use of capitalization, e.g. JOHN DOE or DOE JOHN) - The highest or most comprehensive loss of human status. And you thought you had "human status" ? http://www.yourstrawman.com/
Everything you have to register, house, car, kids, even your marriage, is property of the state.
And this is just skimming the surface !
Once you know what you want to prepare for, only then can you begin to put some things together, and it doesn;t have to be bug "out", in most cased bug "in" may be more beneficial, you leave your place only if you absolutely have to. The reality is there may not be enough to survive on "out there", people are out of feeling and touch with nature, so to survive there may be a bit tough for most.
Even if the shaking power system fails, have you considered the consequences ? No water after a few days, no sanitation, no food, no fuel... MOST people will die in a few days of thirst and hunger or getting shot for trying to steal from someone else. Put a water tank up, get a water filter. You cannot drink swimming pool water with chemicals. Keep extra food, and something like a solar dish or something else long term sustainable. The dead not removed will cause serious illness everywhere, read what happens after a tsunami with all those dead bodies. Keep remedies for these illnesses.
Watch the weight. I started with the basics for a medical kit. It grew in time and three bag updates later I can carry out various operations, but I'm going to have problems carrying the bag. It is h e a v y.
Anyway, every one knows the basics. Water, food, security and help others to prepare also. If everyone is prepared, then the fiasco is greatly reduced.
The bottom line is make yourself independent from systems.
Good luck.