We are fortunate as South Africans in respect to natural disasters, it's something we rarely think about or consider. But keeping that in mind, are you and your family prepared for the eventuality of something happening? Not just a disaster, the way things are going these days it could be something completely different. Here's an interesting thought...
[font="Helvetica, Verdana, Arial"]Bugout Bag[/font]
[font="Helvetica, Verdana, Arial"]
[font="Times New Roman,Times,serif"]I am certain this is a question you have asked yourself. You lie awake in your bed at night next to the one you love and you wonder. If something were to happen to your home, if the soldiers were to come and order you into the street and you have five minutes, what would you take? Things of fiscal value or things of sentiment? Documents or photographs? Do you have a plan, everything in one place where you can put your hand on it right away and lift it and run into the street with it should that night of dread ever fall? Or would you lift happenstance, piecemeal, guided by the heart, and so find yourself on the street with an ornamental dog and your favorite recipe book and beloved old jacket in your arms and the chair in which you made love that night wrestled somehow, superhumanly, out the door and lying at your feet?[/font]
[font="Times New Roman,Times,serif"]Five minutes.[/font]
[font="Times New Roman,Times,serif"]Think about it. Count one-one-thousand two-one-thousand three-one-thousand and when you get to three-hundred-one-thousand you are out of time, time is no more, whatever doom it is you have imagined has arrived.[/font]
What exactly is a bug out bag?
A bug out bag is a collection of basic survival gear that might be required in a disaster scenario, natural or otherwise. It is transportable, and consolidated into a single pack or two so that you can grab it and go in a hurry. I like to keep one at home and one in each vehicle, but how you implement the bug out bag is up to you.
What goes in a bug out bag?
Anticipating worst-case scenarios is never fun, but to properly pack your bug out bag with only the essential items, you must start here. Imagine no food, no electricity, no water, and no city services for days. What types of things would you need to survive?
Here's pics of bags and lists of what folks put in them... An excellent link.
[font="Helvetica, Verdana, Arial"]Bugout Bag[/font]
[font="Helvetica, Verdana, Arial"]
[font="Times New Roman,Times,serif"]I am certain this is a question you have asked yourself. You lie awake in your bed at night next to the one you love and you wonder. If something were to happen to your home, if the soldiers were to come and order you into the street and you have five minutes, what would you take? Things of fiscal value or things of sentiment? Documents or photographs? Do you have a plan, everything in one place where you can put your hand on it right away and lift it and run into the street with it should that night of dread ever fall? Or would you lift happenstance, piecemeal, guided by the heart, and so find yourself on the street with an ornamental dog and your favorite recipe book and beloved old jacket in your arms and the chair in which you made love that night wrestled somehow, superhumanly, out the door and lying at your feet?[/font]
[font="Times New Roman,Times,serif"]Five minutes.[/font]
[font="Times New Roman,Times,serif"]Think about it. Count one-one-thousand two-one-thousand three-one-thousand and when you get to three-hundred-one-thousand you are out of time, time is no more, whatever doom it is you have imagined has arrived.[/font]
What exactly is a bug out bag?
A bug out bag is a collection of basic survival gear that might be required in a disaster scenario, natural or otherwise. It is transportable, and consolidated into a single pack or two so that you can grab it and go in a hurry. I like to keep one at home and one in each vehicle, but how you implement the bug out bag is up to you.
What goes in a bug out bag?
Anticipating worst-case scenarios is never fun, but to properly pack your bug out bag with only the essential items, you must start here. Imagine no food, no electricity, no water, and no city services for days. What types of things would you need to survive?
Here's pics of bags and lists of what folks put in them... An excellent link.