Well we've learnt from the best big game fishermen


Well we've learnt from the best big game fishermen and have adapted the windon leader to our shore fishing.

Having seen the success and since importing braid from the USA I decided to look up the game fishing forums and the knots they recommend and as a result found the "Bob Sands Knot" and the PR knot.

I ended up testing both and was massively impressed with the results of the ease of the Bob Sands knot and absolute amazing strength of the connection I just had to share it.

I made 2 variations of the knot and in all tests it came through with flying colours where connecting 50lbs braid to 0.60mm nylon the connection was pulled till failure and in 18 failures each failure was where the mainline parted and never the braid or connection.

Lay the braid and nylon approximately 30cm past one another and connect tie a simple 3 turn uni-knot in the nylon (around the braid)


  • Bob Sands Start.jpg
    Bob Sands Start.jpg
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Close the uni-knot but don't lock it.

using a large hook create an eye between the braid tag end and mono.

Now wrap the braid around the nylon 12-15 turns


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    Braid stitching and Bob Sands knot 042.JPG
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now wrap the tag end of the braid back down the mono in-between the upward wrap.


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    Braid stitching and Bob Sands knot 044.JPG
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Remove the hook, keeping the eye open and insert the braid through the eye left by the hook.


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    Braid stitching and Bob Sands knot 045.JPG
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Wet the braid and pull the braid wraps tight and up against the nylon uni-knot

Now pull the nylon uni-knot tight and you now have Bob Sands's knot and it gives you 100% the braid tensile strength


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    Braid stitching and Bob Sands knot 049.JPG
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I also tested this out using a bimini in the monofilament.

Tie the mono to the braid using a figure 8 or uni-knot, using the loop of the bimini.


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    Braid stitching and Bob Sands knot 030.JPG
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close but don't lock the knot in the mono.

Keep an eye between the braid tag and mono either with the index finger or a hook that is hung in place.


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    Braid stitching and Bob Sands knot 031.JPG
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Wrap the braid 12-15 times around the legs of the bimini.


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    Braid stitching and Bob Sands knot 033.JPG
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wrap the braid all the way down the mono to the eye making sure the down wraps are between the upward wraps.

Insert the tag end of the braid through the eye


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    Braid stitching and Bob Sands knot 035.JPG
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Pull the braid tight, slowly and securely.

Lock down the figure 8 / uni-knot pull the 2 sections securely together.

I am totally blown away and this is probably the most amazing connection knot I have learnt, at all, no special tools, absolutely amazing, can't believe we haven't been using it for years


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    Braid stitching and Bob Sands knot 039.JPG
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There is a very similar knot that I have been using for years but the braid is wrapped around the mono in one direction only.

This knot under extreme pressure cuts through the nylon

The Bob sands knot makes a criss cross pattern over the mono and actually locks over the mono much like a dacron of a windon connector so it holds tight and doesn't pull up against the stopper knot or cut the nylon. for this reason you need to make 12-15 winds up and down the leader.

With compliments of wortel here is a schematic of the knot I am referring to.






20lbs JBLO to 0.60mm ISO Big Game Red


  • Completed 20lbs to 0.60mm big game leader.jpg
    Completed 20lbs to 0.60mm big game leader.jpg
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Here's a vide on on tying the knot and a slight variation that i find is by far the strongest variation till now\



Senior Member
Thanks Craig sharing this with us,I must agree this is the strongest knot that I had

used to join my leader and braid. :first


New member
I have also started using the bob sands knot and it is very strong.Just a few questions when you say joining thin braid to thick braid leader,will it be fine for joining 50lb to 80lb braid.I am going to de hoek in February to target some barbel and I want to tackle up so I will be joining the 50lb to 80lb instead of my normal mono topshot.Will this version still let the leader break first or is it to strong.I know it depends on breaking strain of line but lets say 20lb braid with a 20lb leader


To strong

Don't use a braid leader at de Hoek, to much rock and obstacles in the water

Fish 0.80-1mm leader with break away sinker


New member
What I want to do is connect about 200 m of 80lb braid to my normal 50lb backing and with a 1mm leader on the 80lb braid but I am afraid that the mainline will part before the leader and I can't really afford that. I will also be fishing with 50lb on a grinder with a .70 leader.If I use the stronger knot will the mainline part before the leader on the lb test I want to use?Will the bob sands be fine for joining the 50 to 80lb braid?

I want to join 80lb braid should i put a piece of mono in-between and do this knot on the mono as a join or can i make 2 berminnis and do a catspaw between them?

Thanx in advance