Violence against women in St. Lucia

willem wikkel spies

Staff member
So i made this post on facebook:

which highlighted a incident where violence was directed to a female remax agent who needed to serve a letter on a employee.
i then wanted to share it with the facebook group of: What's on St. Lucia.
but a admin decided that it was too negative and that only positive things should be posted on the facebook group.
This means, that "Violence against woman is allowed in St. Lucia" and that everything will be swept under the carpet just for the sake of not damaging the image of St. Lucia.

how can this still be allowed? violence against women and children will just continue if we do not act on it.
it might still be negative publicity, but we should make people aware of this.
the community should act on it and drive this person out of st lucia.

this is the link to the post:

this was the post:
Violence towards woman in our town of St. Lucia.
So yesterday 4 October 2023 our managing agent proceeded to a employees place of residence in order to hand him a letter. The employee was refusing to meet up with the managing agent as he was drunk.
While there, the owner of the property came over and instead of asking what the situation was, decided to rather grab and pull the female agent by her clothes. Lucky for us, Alpha security was there and they intervened.
This violence towards woman is unacceptable in the community of St Lucia.
It is time that the community stand together.
You do not own, St. Lucia town, nor do i.
But violence towards woman and children in St. Lucia will not be tolerated.

so lets hear what you all say about the above.


Staff member
Well Christo, we chat regularly on WhatsApp, however I am 100% behindyou on this.
1st Christo, the lady should rregister a criminal case against the individual, for many reasons, 1 being that she has record of such assult on her, 2.dly if the suspect is fined or found guilty, he would have a clad against his name & it will make him think twice before engaging a lady again in his miserable life.

People, local, owners & holiday makers or merely day visitors must then know of such horrible creature roaming the town of St Lucia & not to engage with him, it is the public's right to know.

If I had a say wrt Whats in Stucia's FB page, I eould share it wide & far, but only after a Acknowledgement of Guilt (Fine) or found guilty in court.

One has to remember, in order for St Lucia to prosper, the community out there want to see the negativity, but....but they would love to see what was done about it & the result thereof.

Thats the kinda ending you need to any negative issue & it will draw much more people to take note that there is a "No nonesense approach in St Lucia ito criminality."

But seemingly some people prefer hiding issues behind the dunes till it bites them in the ass.......

willem wikkel spies

Staff member
Ben i agree with you.
i just hate posting about negative aspects, as i only like positive things.
but we cannot keep sweeping negative things under the carpet/ hiding it. Violence towards women and children is not on, and should not be hidden in any way.
But seeing as he is consistently making videos and posting it on social media where he call us out.
Maybe we need to name and shame him.
he is mos a social media expert video maker of st lucia.


Staff member
True, He is very boisterous & egotistical about himself & if you listen to recent video clips he attacks the very people (Vaalies) making a difference in St Lucia, no matter how small the contribution.

Question he should ask himself......has he himself forked out money to visit any other place in distress than St Lucia & contribute in a monetary value ? Answer most probably is a No, so he should be happy that Vaalies are trying to keep his town alive, no matter the contribution.

I agree, I dont like negative stuff, but this oke is ALWAYS RIGHT according to himself.