Tracing phone numbers


New member
I have a telkom line at home and recieve calls on it. I dont have caller ID but want to get the number of the person calling me. Can anybody advise me on how to do this




Senior Member
I have a telkom line at home and recieve calls on it. I dont have caller ID but want to get the number of the person calling me. Can anybody advise me on how to do this


As far as i know the only way to do so is with a court order, so youre live must be threatened by the person calling, or a crime of sorts must have been commited. then you lay a charge at saps and they apply for a court order from a judge, which they can then use to get telkom mtm vodacom or whatever network to supply them with the info. It does take a bit of time. The best would be to speak to a saps member that know the exact route to take regarding this, or perhaps a lawyer.

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Senior Member
Pay your acccounts? just teasing. I don't answer home or cellphone if user withholds their id. Just go to SAPS, get case opened then off to Telkomdirect and do some paperwork. good luck, personal space invasion is never pleasant.