The MOTHA of all Socials - 29th August 2009


Yeah another great social... thanks to all who attended...!

I thought I knew a lot about fishing.... then I met Craig Neil...! Now I'm a novice again! The guy's technical knowledge is unbelievable. I learnt a lot... ::respekt: Craig.

Congrats to Dino on that fine catch!! I was amazed... yep Gerhardt, there certainly are nice fish to be caught in Leewukop... would never have thought so myself, but there you go!

To Roryb, who kept us supplied with perfect draft... THANKYOU! Twas nice meeting Sukkel and his mates too. Darren was on top form with his chirping, as usual... had me in hysterics!

Look forward to the next one!


Senior Member
Hiya guys, seems like I also missed out on the photo, should have a corner insert with my face! Sorry I had to leave so early, but I saw:

  • 1 x Skrops overwind [/*]
  • 1 x Dino moster carp [/*]
  • 1 x Seriously long cast with a grinder! [/*]
  • 4 x Rory draughts [/*]
  • 50 x New fishing facts from Enigma/Graig [/*]
  • 10 x cast with Rory's new Floating fly line [/*]
  • 1 x Still greatest rod around (Homie's WAFT) confirmed by Enigma as a great cast rod![/*]
  •  Homies stand being lit![/*]
And I was only there for an hour and a bit!!!

Great seeing everybody again, good to see you again Hooch!


AnglerX wrote:
Hiya guys, seems like I also missed out on the photo, should have a corner insert with my face! Sorry I had to leave so early, but I saw:

  • 1 x Skrops overwind [/*]
  • 1 x Dino moster carp [/*]
  • 1 x Seriously long cast with a grinder! [/*]
  • 4 x Rory draughts [/*]
  • 50 x New fishing facts from Enigma/Graig [/*]
  • 10 x cast with Rory's new Floating fly line [/*]
  • 1 x Still greatest rod around (Homie's WAFT) confirmed by Enigma as a great cast rod! [/*]
  •  Homies stand being lit![/*]
And I was only there for an hour and a bit!!!

Great seeing everybody again, good to see you again Hooch!
Only a pleasure bud, next time you must stay till the end.............It were a blast.