
Dink ek gaan my eerste aas uitsit vir 'n Smoothie, en dan sy kop slide vir 'n 30kg Kabeljou ala Copper!


Galjoen.... ek dink ons moet eers n mission maak vir daai Kreefsize Prawns vrydag. Net om seker te maak aas is nie die probleem nie.

Oh ja en daai stompies is lus vir sand rooiaas, maar nie vrottes nie. Hulle kan die goed nie uitlos nie.

Daar is elwe ook, die goed is net nie lus vir byt gewees die naweek met die koue fronte nie. Jy sal hulle van die kant af kry.

Ek kon hulle sien in die water van die wrak af, (speedie en craig na nabetragting dink ek dit was elwe gewees), maar byt was min.

Saterdag was dit kitesurfing central by die spit. Ek sweer daar was nie minder as 50-100 kitesurfers in die water nie. Regs van my was daar 2 perde besig met "hook & cook". Stompie is boks toe onetime.

My persoonlike opinie is die stompe is meeste aktief 3 ure na die draai van die gety, in enige rigting naby die paaltjies.

Maar ek wil Jacobsbaai toe. Ek was nog nooit daar nie en dink die spring in die baan gaan jou mal maak soos hy jou gaan heen en weer trek.


hi guys

yesterday was a great day even though there werent big fish around. it was lekka fishing with crazy oom craig 'mxit' myburgh and speedmaster. we arrived at the baan at 03h15am:? yesterday, grabbed a bite to chow and then went in search of some prawns:spite. 1.5hours later with only a coupla prawns that we went to fetch in china we decided to get a line in the water as the sun was starting to rise. nice elf/kob trace with a fresh mackerel bait ( supplied by 'maasbanker' ) and there we go^^... water was warm and everything seemed perfect for elf but nada nothing! lotsa peckers around. meanwhile Snapper was in with a prawn bait and next thing he is VAS, but he loses the fish. all of us change our traces and start targetting stumpies. i go vas a little while later with a small stump of 29cm::S. myself and craig was having a nice k@k praat session and all of a sudden he strikes the living hell out of what ever was nibbling his bait.. lol! he runs for his meetmat to claim his points and low and behold its a 24.5cm fish:wfish.. lmfu! he then hooks into a size stump and redeems himself lol! after that it was steentjie after steentjie after steentjie. i pulled out some  sandaas cut one pod open and gave the other pod to speedmaster. every single throw with the sandaas resulted in a steentjie. ebs took his dropshot setup for a run and caught quite a few small stumpies and steentjies. it went quiet and we decided to move to another spot. craig, marthin and speedmaster went to the wreck and we went to a spot i think is called the preekstoel. was quite crowded when we got there but only small stumps and steentjies came out. after about an hour we went back to the palletjies. i decided to get some much needed sleep while Ebs and Snapper continued there search for the bloukoppe. nothing much happened, it seems like the bloukoppe was on vacation yesterday. the highlight of the day had to be when Ebs hooked into a stump with his dropshot and a m@erse seal decided to chase his catch. Ebs standing on the drop off at the palletjies did a 180degree turn, turned on the nitrous and headed for dry land :ssswim:almost on top of the water, all this while he's still on with the fish. with the help of Snapper ::gas:he managed to outrun the seal and land the fish::S. with his nerves a bit shook up we decided to call it a day and drown our sorrows with some KFC:hyst::hyst::hyst:. nontheless it was a great outting and always a pleasure to fish with clubmates. thanks again to old man craig myburgh, speedmaster and marthin.

ssec-wp rocks!!!!::mwird


i assure you all, that that was not funny seeing a black motion in the water coming after your catch/you....i dont think i pissed myself as much i dropped a valve when my wastegate opened....:ssswim:
ebs wrote:
i assure you all, that that was not funny seeing a black motion in the water coming after your catch/you....i dont think i pissed myself as much i dropped a valve when my wastegate opened....:ssswim: