Specimen Traces


New member
Can I use a conventional rietvlei style trace, and tie hair rigs for the hooks? Would be using boilies.
What weight should I use - mushroom, spring etc?
If I'm fishing a big dam and casting out 100m, how do you feed the spot with boilies etc?


Senior Member
JasonMcG wrote:
Can I use a conventional rietvlei style trace, and tie hair rigs for the hooks? Would be using boilies.
What weight should I use - mushroom, spring etc?
If I'm fishing a big dam and casting out 100m, how do you feed the spot with boilies etc?

You might receive better answers in the Specimen Carp thread. It is better to use a hair rig with the correct clips, sleaves and weights, they are designed in a way to release if they get snagged. This is for the safety of big fish not swimming around with traces in the mouth's.

If you can't buy all the necessary gear you can create a simple rig by using a hair rig, a single swivel and tie a stopper knot with a piece of mono or rubber band on the main line. You can then bait up with hair rigged maize (3 to 6 kernels) and normal maize bom

Regarding your question feeding with boilies, you can do it a PVA bag, various throwing devices or catapults or deliver it with a small bait boat or inflatable boat.

I would not recommend boilies necessarily for a short trip, often you need to feed weeks ahead to get the fish use to them. It is often better on a short session to feed with particles such as maize and tigernuts, it works out a lot more affordable and the fish should respond quicker to them. In winter you don't want to feed to much due the fish having a slower metabolism