Admin approved! OFC
howsit ladies and gentlemen
ive put this together and WILL do so every 2 weeks
eeezy peeezy !!!
its in pdf format
send me the answers to :
please number each answer clearly and check spelling !
can also download , fill in and send the whole crossword back
closing date for entries 8 March 2012 at 12pm . winner will be announced the same day at 19h00
winner gets 3 different "custom made" traces from me , haha
2 edibles and 1 non ed
good luck
ps : any one wanting to sponsor anything please pm me . really doesnt have to be of huge value . R50 worth max . this is after all for a bit of relaxation after you come out "the lounge" section
howsit ladies and gentlemen
ive put this together and WILL do so every 2 weeks
eeezy peeezy !!!
its in pdf format
send me the answers to :
please number each answer clearly and check spelling !
can also download , fill in and send the whole crossword back
closing date for entries 8 March 2012 at 12pm . winner will be announced the same day at 19h00
winner gets 3 different "custom made" traces from me , haha
2 edibles and 1 non ed
good luck
ps : any one wanting to sponsor anything please pm me . really doesnt have to be of huge value . R50 worth max . this is after all for a bit of relaxation after you come out "the lounge" section