Sammy Esterhuizen

Strike 1

New member
Good morning

I would love to buy a copy coyld anyone please adcise where could i purchase one. I had one with i think the blue cover page but were never returned from a so called friend:X


eks mal oor enige visvangboeke.sal graag kontak nommer wil kry van iemand om boek te koop.of dalk nommer van skrywer.daar by mosselbaai gourits was destyds ook so karakter.oompie pretorius.ek en my broer het hom oor rotse gedra,aas aangesit vir hom.vir hom gegooi.dit maak nie saak nie.aan sy lippe gehang vir sy stories.saam die "ben dekker" "gatsiegoebe karakter kuier jy nou op jou lekkerste om die vuur op afgelee seeplaas.sulke "karakters" kultusfigure is skaars.laat my dink aan die vlaktes duskant hebron.;)tone krul sommer om.hoop die skrywer het selfoon.sout van die aarde.laat weet maar enige een wat kontak het.ja dink amper aan zirk berg se cd's.ook oorlede.::slr::


New member
Ekt my copy sommmer by die local biblioteek gekry, en dit ingescan blad vir blad en het dit nou op pdf sommer. Dit gan nog so paar dae vat om dit te upload en dan sal ek link stuur vir download.

Blikkiesvis wrote:
Ek soek nogsteeds "Galjoen Onse Vis"!

Maar die boeke sal ook doen, solank...


New member
I came across this photostat book,
written by Sammy Esterhuizen,
First edition 1996.
Title Strand en Rots Hengel in die Kaap.

The book is handwirtten and in afrikaans. The amount of detail in the book is awesome.

My question is, has anyone heared of this author?
I recently saw Sammy Esterhuizen's 5th issue from 2009.
Does anyone know how to contact Mr Esterhuizen as I'd dearly love to obtain a copy of his 'book' and possibly chat with him about having it published...
I'm not looking to make anything from it, rest assured, I'd just love my own copy and to possibly enable others to obtain copies somehow...
Please let me know details if anyone can help with a copy for me or his details to ask for a chat...
Many thanks!


New member
I recently saw Sammy Esterhuizen's 5th issue from 2009.
Does anyone know how to contact Mr Esterhuizen as I'd dearly love to obtain a copy of his 'book' and possibly chat with him about having it published...
I'm not looking to make anything from it, rest assured, I'd just love my own copy and to possibly enable others to obtain copies somehow...
Please let me know details if anyone can help with a copy for me or his details to ask for a chat...
Many thanks!
Hi Gerard
Did you ever manage to find any details on how to contact Sammy Esterhuizen? Please let me know. I would really appreciate it.