Sammy Esterhuizen


New member
I came across this photostat book,
 written by Sammy Esterhuizen,
 First edition 1996.
 Title Strand en Rots Hengel in die Kaap.

The book is handwirtten and in afrikaans.  The amount of detail in the book is awesome. 

My question is, has anyone heared of this author?


yeah lupo ive even met him down in bredasdorp on route to arniston....his book does hold lots of interesting things from spots to fish etc, a good read i must admit

Big Mic

Senior Member
I've had a look at his book and its a great source of info, we met him to in Bredasdorp to ... he's quiet a character....we asked "wat byt" he said f@k@l and that was after a rather unsuccesful fishing trip hehe!


New member
The oke is a Bum in the Strand, rides around on a bicycle and stops everyone with a rodrack on his bakkie ! Most info and sketches he got from other publications. Saw him try to fish off the jetty in the strand once with a PNP special rod and reel. the Laaities helped him to tackle up !
What an expert!


Senior Member
3 books by him He spends a year or two as a (hippie in a place gets to know the spots and then draws up all the books .the one on struis gives holes tides type fish time of year.Ive spent about 45 years up at struis and his book (the one on struis ) is 99% on target.


New member
This is a really excellent book and I agree is 95% spot on for the area such as Arniston, Struisbaai, Die Eiland, Die Damme, etc. It does not really matter where he got the info or how much of an expert he is, he really did a good job with this book. My kids allways heard the "ou manne" talking about spots where they could get with 4x4 bakkies. I bought them this book and they could relate to the spots, plot them on google earth, walk to them and fish them. Most in the names in the book is still used by the locals and is easy to find with a bit of spade work.  


Senior Member
Where can one get the English version? I've tried a Google and Bookfinder search without success.


New member
Thanks for all the replies. 

As the copy I got hold of was looking a bit under the weather, I made myself a photostat copy.

Since it is in Afrikaans and I am actually a soutie (Italian decent), reading does take some time. LOL  Having said that, it is quite easy reading.

I will try to scan the pages, if anyone is interested in taking a look let me know. 


i think fishing specialist has it for sale, not to sure though but you okes can give them a call 1st


Excellent book ! I was just a little disappointed with the details around Mnandi, Van Zyls, Tweede Baai, Derde Baai, etc... But an excellent read non the less...


LUPO wrote:
Thanks for all the replies. 

As the copy I got hold of was looking a bit under the weather, I made myself a photostat copy.

Since it is in Afrikaans and I am actually a soutie (Italian decent), reading does take some time. LOL  Having said that, it is quite easy reading.

I will try to scan the pages, if anyone is interested in taking a look let me know. 
Hoeveel bladsye sal jy moet scan ?


Senior Member

I'm interested in owning one of those books.Heard about it, but could never find one.

Afrikaans copy is fine.How much will a copy cost me?



Senior Member
I don't think it'd be legal to scan and post pages here on Sealine, or photostat copies for people, I may be wrong though.


New member
TOE 007 wrote:
Hes a not a Bum , i would opt for a Hippie .
Ja, I might be wrong about the "bum", but don't think he smokes the green stuff like the Hippies did and surely he wont be into free lovemaking at his age ! LOL!