Removing carbon coating on steel trace


Senior Member
I've read here on sealine quite a few times that the recommendation is to remove the carbon coating when targetting in-eds.


What are the reasons?


Sometimes the plastic bunches up against the sharks teeth and prevents the hooks from setting. Particularly in the case of raggies and cow sharks and probably large spearnose skates too


Hi Guys, interesting question that's been bugging me as well.

Is this a "theory" or has it been "proven"



Heard some guys mention that the coating gives the sharkys a little more "traction" on the steel and thus makes it easier to bite through.
I am with tuna on this one.. we use the stuff for hanging light fittings and what not. Cheaper and works a charm!

action man

Senior Member
yea you can use 440lb wire but sometimes it not worth it...i only use it with my swimbaits. as a slide trace i feel its an overkill and you wont get as many bites and it to thick for a small dead you wana go with a heavy slide rig go with the fish mate 250lb carbon coated or the 220lb 7 strand wire!
i landed a 120kg blackfin with a 90lb carbon coated bite trace! so you dont even need to go that heavy, all depends how you hook your biiten off on 200lb by a hammer no bigger than 15kg, we saw the ya again it all self preference


Senior Member
I agree no need for overkill on everything. The old ballies caught way bigger whites on scarborough's.

Removing the carbon coating is a trick used when targeting raggies normally. The carbon bunches up behind the teeth as the wire pulls through. Sometimes you can fight the raggie for long until it opens it's mouth....

My friend landed a 120kg white on cheap 90lbs steel because he used a circle use the correct hooks and you won't be bitten off.


Senior Member
the coating gets ripped by the teeth and bunches up..sometimes the shark then get a better grip on the trace and can bite it off then..use 7 strand..far better


Senior Member
Using the carbon coated gives nice neat knots which you can then heat up till the coating melts and fuses then simply strip off the rest of the trace with pliers. To my mind much easier than all the crimps involved with 7 strand.


@ goldshark, how long did it take this buddy to land a S-eus and how many did he loose on light steel?It took him over a year to land one//
He was purely lucky in this case

For the rest of Sealine
i agree that circle dont sit in the mouth and you might get away landing a young 120-130 shark
Then again you wont be olaying a shark for a long time since you will be scared of the trace braking
I have been bitten of a few times with Bronzies here and in Namibia(using J-hooks)
About the older toppies landing big sharks....jip they did, but they also used big j-hooks , heavy lines and troa or gut hooked these monsters
i'f i want to do the same (witch i dont) , i can easily let a white swallow the bait then hook him badly and on the way out kill him
I dont take anything away from these ols toppies , i just dont agree 100% at hoe they used to catch and kill them in the olden days
i prefer too go heavier either 300 or 440lb
i dont care if the small ones dont pick me up because my traces are too heavy, the big ones will
I have never been bitten through on the have trace, but i know some okes have been bitten through on the industrial steel
210 bleeding wire= R100 per i think 10m
440 steel is R1.70 per meter
And lastly when i landed my last big fish of 150kg +, the slide went in straight again
I would only do that on bleeding wire if it was a smaller shark

Dis maar net my persoonlike keuse, eenag as jy saam met my vang sal jy sien dis die steil wat ek verkies
Ek verkies om n vis so vinnig as moontlik te land en dit vra n stywe drag, dik windons, .60lyn of .65 en natuurlik staal en hoeke wat net so sterk is

Hier is n foto van die van julle wat wonder hoekom die coating afkom, hierdie is wat n 150kg bronzie(die dooie ene wat ek by Robberg weer gehaak het) aan staal doen, die hengelaar het die vis vir langer as 3 ure aangehad


  • 3 Jan 2010 - Dooie Bronzie 024.jpg
    3 Jan 2010 - Dooie Bronzie 024.jpg
    67.5 KB · Views: 294


Ek vang wel taamlik gereeld met 210 maar ek haal nie die coat af nie


  • shad slide baits by Lookout 002.jpg
    shad slide baits by Lookout 002.jpg
    56.2 KB · Views: 294


can remember if i used bonnies or yellowtails
you cut the bonnie/ yellowt in half
Take you 20'O throught both lips
then you take a stocking, cut the rest of the bait(body) in thin 3-5mm steaks and maybe crush some pillies too
pull your stocking over your main bait and stock it up with all the thin pieces of bait that you have slices.
Make a knot with the stocking around your circle
This bait is very efective where you have crabs or small peckers in the water, sometimes it last forever
it's very good bait for especially black stingrays but also for any other sharks specie
i have hooked raggies , bronzies,dusky, skerpneuse and black stingies on it

steve m

Nice baits Tuna! But how do you tie your steel to the slide when you are using such thick steel or do you crimp it? Thanks


@ tuna - ek het nou lekker gesteel met die oog en daai "stocking bait" gaan nou beslus n deel word van my taktiek.
Se vir jou dankie! ;)