@ goldshark, how long did it take this buddy to land a S-eus and how many did he loose on light steel?It took him over a year to land one//
He was purely lucky in this case
For the rest of Sealine
i agree that circle dont sit in the mouth and you might get away landing a young 120-130 shark
Then again you wont be olaying a shark for a long time since you will be scared of the trace braking
I have been bitten of a few times with Bronzies here and in Namibia(using J-hooks)
About the older toppies landing big sharks....jip they did, but they also used big j-hooks , heavy lines and troa or gut hooked these monsters
i'f i want to do the same (witch i dont) , i can easily let a white swallow the bait then hook him badly and on the way out kill him
I dont take anything away from these ols toppies , i just dont agree 100% at hoe they used to catch and kill them in the olden days
i prefer too go heavier either 300 or 440lb
i dont care if the small ones dont pick me up because my traces are too heavy, the big ones will
I have never been bitten through on the have trace, but i know some okes have been bitten through on the industrial steel
210 bleeding wire= R100 per i think 10m
440 steel is R1.70 per meter
And lastly when i landed my last big fish of 150kg +, the slide went in straight again
I would only do that on bleeding wire if it was a smaller shark
Dis maar net my persoonlike keuse, eenag as jy saam met my vang sal jy sien dis die steil wat ek verkies
Ek verkies om n vis so vinnig as moontlik te land en dit vra n stywe drag, dik windons, .60lyn of .65 en natuurlik staal en hoeke wat net so sterk is
Hier is n foto van die van julle wat wonder hoekom die coating afkom, hierdie is wat n 150kg bronzie(die dooie ene wat ek by Robberg weer gehaak het) aan staal doen, die hengelaar het die vis vir langer as 3 ure aangehad