Reasons For And How To Prevent Sea Sickness


New member
It is reported that 90 percent of all people will suffer from motion sickness at one time or another in their life.  The nausea, dizziness, headache, and vomiting associated with being seasick are caused by stress in the balance portion of the brain. The sufferer’s sensory perception gets out of sync with the nerve fibers of the inner ear. While are eyes perceived what appear to be fixed and stable objects these things are actually moving. Meanwhile, our vestibular system [inner ear] is certain of the actual movement of our body; this whole sensory confusion creates stress in the brain, resulting in motion sickness. These days there are many different options at the drug store and prescription medications such as Transdermal Scopolamine patches. Be sure that if you are going to use any of the remedies that you take them the night before your deep sea fishing trip because the medicine should be in your system before getting on the boat. Some people report that herbs such as ginger and pressure wrist bands help.Try to avoid greasy foods, alcohol and spicy foods make sure you eat something but make it light. Always keep the horizon in your peripheral vision and avoid focusing on small objects. Drink plenty of fluids such as water and ginger ale. Remember the best cure for a deep sea fisherman that is seasick is a wide open bite.


Senior Member
Had a story told to me once by a charter boat skipper while fishing off shore.My brother in law was out for the count and pucking all over the place at the time.

The skipper said that he had seen everything that has been brought out for sea sickness.The braclets , pills , green tomatoes ete etc and that nothing worked.The only thing that can help with sea sickness is to eat a can of apricot jam about 30 min before getting on the boat.Doesnt help much with throwing up but at least it tastes a hell of alot better on the way back up.:lol:1


Senior Member
hahahahaha ... Hooked .. I really thought you were going to give us a remedy to overcome this stuff.


25 years at sea sometimes days at a time and never been sick once.

The one thing that seems to work with my guys (junior smaakes to hurl now and then) and the charters I have had is Avomine the night before, half in the morning before launch and PLENTY H2O at sea. Asking them to dig in the cupboards for lures though normally ends in a few chopped carrots. Don't look down.

Had one crew who swore by ginger water and it really worked for him. I think a lot of it is upstairs too. Guys get apprehensive and over excited and that's what tops them over the edge.


How to beat sea-sickness? STUGERON 25mg tablet 1 hour before. No mess, no fuss! If that doesn't work, then up the dose to 50mg (2 tabs for adults), - on this doseage, there ain't no way you're gonna be sick, but you might be feeling kinda drowsy though. I suffer from sea-sickness badly, and from day 1 as a Scuba diver, pop my Stugeron just before the dive and no problemo. After all, being sick at sea is possibly the worst possible thing to happen to anyone - you  would literally rather just die!



Is this an over the counter drug or do you need a doc to prescribe?
My son can get very ill and I feel kuk cos there's nothing you can do to help.
He has got sick once or twice on the Avomines but normally not to bad.


Hammer... Stugeron is a schedule 2 drug, should be available without prescription. There is another one that works just as well ... CINNARIZINE, same doseage.

Adults and kids over 12:  1-2 tabs before the trip and every 8 hours if necessary

Children 8-12 yrs: 1/2 (half) tab pre jouney

5-7 yrs: 1/4 (quarter) tab pre journey.

NB Always
If on any other medication, it is important to check with your GP first for drug compatibility..


Thanks Reefman

Think I am going to try him on one of these and see.
Funny as the last line of raza's post says. He never gets sick when he's into fish.


One of the biggest causative factors to Motion sickness on a boat is stress and anxiety. The more anxious a person is, the more chance they've got of tossing their cookies. Keeping busy always takes your mind off the anxiety -


I proved that for sure the last two runs.
We decided to shift a little more responsibility to Matt.
Keeping us on coarse once the back lines were in. Give him first strike, make him cut even more chum when we on the bait. Call another boat on the radio if we are in and he is waiting to gaff etc

He said afterwards he never felt sick for a minute. Have also noticed when it's just our boat out there on a monstrous sea and his nerves kick in, then he turns a shade greener. He He, but 8 years at sea and he would not miss it for the world so you can only laugh that he's got the deep sea bug real bad.


Senior Member
Ja Ill go with the keep busy thing and also the dont look down too long story.
Also not getting a mouthful of diesel while siphoning before you even start your day also helps.....Then even fish dont help.That day was a case of windy windy windy hooch windy windy..........A very wierd case of grim but happy!


When we surf launched in Natal I fished with a few excellent skippers who would reach the grounds, have a hurl, only one and then that was it.

Never had the misspleasure, not even as a stoned out drunk teen straight from the clubs onto the boat.

Also notice how when chartering and we have a breeze blowing in from the stern and the two strokes provoke a hurl or two.

My old man used to give any one new on the boat the luxury of putting anchor rope back in the hatch. Minute the guys got the umfaan in and closed the hatch there would be a hurley. Old swine.



Thanks a Ton.
Stugeron worked like a charm for junior. He was ultra busy (see pics in off-shore post) but he said he felt way better than he did with the Avomine.

Never felt sick at all and he did have a 3 hour watching period while other guys were busy with fish, so thanks for that.


Torpedo Jack

Senior Member
Yeah, sea sickness! Calling Geoorrge or Louieeee over the edge of the boat - brings back bad memories. Fishing, diving - all the same - until I discovered the miracle drug. Unfortunately, you'll need a prescription from your doctor to get it, but it's well worth it, I guarantee it. Spent 4 days diving off a houseboat on the Red Sea, no hurls!

As reefer said, start off with your Stugeron or other Cinnarizine generics. If you still struggle with motion sickness, ask your doctor to prescribe you some "Epanutin" (phenytoin sodium) capsules.  This drug is an anti-convulsant, and normally used to treat epilepsy. Recommended dose is around 5mg per Kg, taken the night before (that way you sleep off the side effect of drowsiness!). This means the average guy of around 80Kg will need 4x100mg caps per dose. Adjust dose according to your weight.

Side effects may include drowziness and some red-green colour disturbances (don't worry, most guys are slightly colour blind anyway). DO NOT USE if you suffer from porphyria, or (Ladies) if you're preggies or breast feeding.

As with ALL medication, discuss the treatment with your doc first, especially if you're using any other meds.

Hope this helps the guys & gals struggling with BAD motion sickness.

Mike the drug peddler...:temp:


P.S. The use of phenytoin to treat motion sickness was first proposed by NASA who, in their testing of astronauts under simulated weightless conditions, found that their EEGs resembled those of epileptics - thus the connection was made, and many divers could suddenly enjoy the benefits of motion sickness-free diving!:DWho said NASA never did anything for you?

NASA = Need Another Seven Astronauts





I will look into the mentioned "drugs", since I also have a tendency to give old George a call when i'm offshore ...


I get the hurge to call for Gerorge or Loiueee..too,and remember that one day very well when we went snoeking,after I bummed a site on a snoek boat,and on our way out the crew lite up the (you know what )..I was fine till then..after that the feeling was on its way,we were already on the fish and well,with me puking and "on dad" every throw we were doing was a long day and I was as green as the stuff they were smoking...but it ended well with me..being top tally and getting a good price on the fish... but the feeling of being sick is one you do not want to wish on your worst enemy... so if there is a cure..natural or over the counter..then I will be willing to try it... I heard sucking on a lemon also works..true or not???


Senior Member
Used to get the "please skipper vat my huistoe" illness but eventually became immune.
What worked for me at times when I got the feeling... you know a bit itchy round the gills ... If land was still visible I would find a landmark and focus on it till I felt better. Worked for me.


Damn i have a problem been out plenty times never puked, but i am as green as the hills sweat a lot and just want to die, even straight from a jol jumped on my boat to skipper for kzn light tackle, and thought this is it big puke time for me but nothing, i stuck my head between the motors put my finger down my throat nothing, nearly passed out from all the wrenching, i am so scared to go out now cause there is no relief.

Here in Richards bay the secret remedy is Valium suppository, one night before and one before launch????????????? well i don't know , that sounds a hectic for me , and not only heard of this once but a couple of times.

what to do????
