RASSPL AFRICA: Will you stand up to your promises???

Oom Japie

New member

As a current franchisee and member of the Rasspl Angling concept, I would like to thank you, for all you have done for Rasspl over the last year and would now like to take the time to bring to the table, the new management incentives for the year ahead including the new management structure that will be put in place.

Rasspl to me was about an "organization" with many facets, and not about tournaments only, satisfying a bunch of anglers who are more interested in the prizes they can win rather than the protection and conservation of our Seas including the fish they catch putting emphasis on the “Sponsors” that made it all happen, and I am pleased to tell you, that this, is the direction it will now take.

That RASSPL Africa will now become a complete support system to "ALL" members who carry its membership including the franchisee owners.
RASSPL Africa will put in place incentives for the monthly events which will affiliate to the National "Performers" league which will be launched at the Nationals. What this will consist of is a monthly score sheet of the top running franchises throughout the year.
Together with Rawson properties, RASSPL Africa will offer a R10, 000 fishing equipment prize to the Franchise winner for the year. Many more if you continue to read below.

That, within the new organization, (RASSPL Africa) I feel that the priority is the new Rasspl Scientific research and conservation arm which has now been formed and we will be launching such at the National event.
3 Conservation organizations have come on board and are fully behind us and giving their full support and cooperation and the division will be headed up by Dr Warren Potts . The three companies are, ORI (Oceanographic Research Institute) NRF (National Research Institute) and SAIAB (South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity).
Tagging Shirts Designed by Shawn Mey

With the new department open and a part of Rasspl Africa, our goals are to be the largest group and or league to have its own ORI Tracing number and for us to be the largest contribution to Research along the South African Coast line and feel that your Brand, Shimano would only benefit from this Association as the National Rasspl Sponsor.
To start, the Tagging system will be used in all Rasspl Africa’s Head office tournaments such as the Nationals, Tri Nation events and the Bi annual events. Within the next year of our management, the systems will be put in place where the concept is taken forward to the individual franchise events on the calendar where the same process is used and added to the Rasspl ORI tracing number which becomes the largest data base of fish caught and released to be used by scientific departments in order to fulfill their research. In order for this stop to be taken, Rasspl Africa will launch a full training program as per the request of Dr Warren Potts and give him full support in the way of incentives to the anglers in order to make this happen.

We feel now, that the principle in place will drive the members of Rasspl to fight for the protection of our Seas as hard as they fight to catch that fish within its tournaments.
Below, I invite you all to understand the new Rasspl Structure at this point.

Rasspl Africa

1. The conservation of the South African Coastline through Angling
2. The Rasspl Africa Franchisee
3. Tournament Angling
4. Catch and release
5. Catch, Tag and release

Mike Pautz has been nominated as the Chairman of Rasspl Africa by the new board which I introduce to you here under.
Mike will be bringing Rasspl to the fore of all Angling communities and associations alike together with his new partners.
Mike will be in charge of the Angling calendar and all tournament fixtures including all tournament rules, the research of such including its implementation and headed up by Rasspl Africa and will be the face of such organization to its Franchisee members, Exco (Executive Council) members and all angling Members.

Together with Mike, Shawn Mey as the second owner and board member of Rasspl Africa will assist Mike with all the above, but focus on all Rasspl Sponsorship for Head office events, the strategic planning of the organizations direction and the "on ground angling face" of Rasspl Africa. Shawn will also be responsible for the growth of membership through franchise development and full training to such.

Shawn Mey will also be responsible for the Rasspl online media coverage including the Rasspl online shopping basket to be incorporated to the website and all Rasspl products for such. ie: weigh mats, buckets and Rasspl designed angling shirts, etc. The shopping bag will also consist all "Sponsors" products should any member wish to "support" all those who support the Rasspl concept.

As a third owner and board member, and together with both Mike and Shawn, I will be focusing on the Rasspl Head office business structure including the main event sponsorship programs and all media related matters
within the Rasspl organization. I will also be responsible for the Conservation side and implementation of such to all anglers who take part in any Rasspl events.

With all the above, all three of the new owners of Rasspl Africa will deal with sponsors and media with Top priority status where all organizations and companies involved will be sure to receive full feedback reports and updates to all events to come and those that have been completed.

Ursula Otto has been brought onto the Board as the official Attorney handling all Rasspl Franchise and franchisee agreements, the implementation of such including the enforcement of the constitution and the rules and regulations of the Rasspl Angling Rules. Ursula is currently busy writing up all franchise agreements for the existing franchisee's which will be available for Mikes approval on Friday.

Lauren Ambler has been brought onto the Board and will be heading up the marketing department for Rasspl Africa including event co-ordinator.

Rene Pautz has been brought onto the board and will be the Treasurer and National membership co-ordinator.

For now, we feel that the team will be completely focused to getting Rasspl back on track and look forward to the growth of such in the coming year, and future years to come.

The nationals

To mention, we were questioning the idea of canceling the National event, but have made a decision to go ahead with such even though time is limited. We have also decided to use such as a "platform" for the year ahead under the "new" Rasspl Africa's Management and ownership team. That the event I can assure will be treated with priority and the Staff for the event have been briefed and all training regarding the Rasspl tournament rules and concepts will be carried out prior to the event.
We can also make you aware, that under the guidance of Mike, the event will Top previous attempts and the members will be pleased with what we bring to the table.

Designed by Shawn Mey

Incentives and Prize Table (The Nationals)
Without elaborating too much:

1. Rasspl Africa will have a prize table boasting the best event yet

2. That RASSPL Africa will now become a complete support system to "ALL" members who carry its membership including the franchisee owners.

3. That Rasspl Africa will use the Nationals as a platform to introduce itself and deliver the 2014/2015 incentive programs to the members

4. Rasspl Africa will introduce the "Catch, Tag and Release" program for the National events

5. Rasspl will have a vehicle on offer to win (species scenario TBC)

6. RASSPL Africa are also offering the Top 12 National  RASSPL Anglers a fully Sponsored International Angling tour to either Namibia or Angola for the next season end 2015.

7. That together with Rawson properties Mossel Bay, RASSPL Africa will award 3 "national" super prizes for the coming season to assist all franchises to up their membership totals.

8. Rasspl Africa will maintain the ‘National Leader Board’ on a monthly basis and send all results to National Franchisee’s which inturn will be launched at the Nationals. What this will consist of is a monthly score sheet of the top running franchises throughout the year. This will run on a “order of merit System” and calculated monthly.
Together with Rawson properties Mossel Bay, RASSPL Africa will offer a R10, 000 to the Franchise winner for the year, a R5000.00 to the second place and R2500.00 to the 3rd place winner.

9. That RASSPL Africa will host the Nationals, the Tri Nations event and will add a further tournament to the Calendar to be known as "the RASSPL Bi Annual"
During the course of the new RASSPL calendar, we will continue to bring awesome competitions to the table in order for the brand to grow and in support of the Rasspl Franchises.

NOTE: RASSPL Africa also recognizes that areas such as Namibia are not compatible to the rest of the coastline and are already forming and planning an incentive which will be for the Namibian Franchise only. This will fall in line with the rest of the country bringing Namibia in line with RASSPL Support.

10. RASSPL Africa's further arm in negotiation is the "Junior" section which will become an arm on its own and also carry the full support of RASSPL Africa. To be known as Rasspl Juniors including a Rasspl Ladies arm which will all become part of the Rasspl Africa concept.

11. RASSPL Africa will also, under full sponsorship of Rawson Properties, launch at the National event (April, 2014) to the top 36 anglers to compete in a FIPS, ‘International Pegging System’  and make such available to the Top 36 RASSPL Anglers to be known as “RASSPL Pegs”(More details to follow). The Top 36 National Anglers will be announced at the “Bi Annual event” and will work on an order of merit system through the year giving the opportunity to ALL Rasspl members during the year.

12. RASSPL Africa will start with immediate effect, the "RASSPL Shore line Times".
This will be the official RASSPL Africa Angling magazine that will concentrate on RASSPL Angling in South Africa including "ALL" Franchisee tournament editorials including the RASSPL Africa order of merit on a monthly basis. Tag and Release articles from our scientific research team will feature prominently including all to do with Nature conservation and RASSPL's injection to such. Rasspl Africa will be discussing such venture with all current magazines on the market at present to make their final decision, as we feel that all media have done a lot for Rasspl and we will not go behind any supporters back or into competition with any person that has supported the Rasspl Concept in the past.

13. Rasspl Africa together with Rawson Properties Mossel Bay and MeYhem Angling will announce a massive incentive to ALL South African Anglers including Rasspl members. We believe that this Incentive will bring across to Rasspl over 4000 new members over the next season period 2014/2015 which will not only enhance the individual franchise areas, but Rasspl as a whole.

14. Rasspl Africa will launch the “all new” Tri National event which it will personally host to broaden the Catch, Tag and Release program to more events in the year.

15. Rasspl Africa will launch the all new “Bi Annual” Tagging event (TBA)
Above is but a few concepts that we are currently working on and guarantee all Rasspl members, that such will be an ongoing support system from head office to the franchises and the members of Rasspl Africa.

Event Systems

With the take over complete and Nationals on our doorstep, all our time is going into such event and we will not be on time to deliver and or produce a Time saving Scoring method which is and will become a priority to Rasspl Africa. Together with Dr Warren Potts, we are developing these systems including a Rasspl phone application to be used in all Rasspl tournaments.

What we are doing in order to have a well managed tournament is the employment of 5 ladies to be known as the "scoring Staff" at the National event. Rasspl Africa guarantees, with the help of Dr Warren Potts a system that will be quick, efficient and 100% accurate and by the time the last angler is in, all scores will be completed in order for us all to enjoy the evening.

The final evening of the National event will be a "gala" event that anglers will remember, and for such we keep a few secrets in the bag until that time.

I can assure that the above is but the tip of the ice berg.

Kind regards




Well well...that's a very good question which only time will tell?

Will be watching this thread with much interest. I have my concerns with the lack of any recent communications.


Trophy wrote:
Well well...that's a very good question which only time will tell?

Will be watching this thread with much interest. I have my concerns with the lack of any recent communications.

Lack of comms.............or Hot Air?



New member
What is the decision with regards to the clash between the Nationals 29 April - 2 May 2015 & the league on second May at the same venue in Border Blacktips area?


New member
Gents let the ambassadors promote their own comps but dont forget there are many anglers
out there spending a lot of money just having fun and many are misled by tv shows etc just a note

trend and not claim the angling business and ocean belongs them - me and many others also enjoy and catch fis


New member
To add when favours are asked from traders in all areas I believe they always now better if you dont support them if you not RSPPL


8 comments 1,140 views is there a cat in a hat or a lot of draad sitters here awaiting the storm - well if you look hard enough you`ll fine more than you bargained for - happy hunting


I think importantly we must look at what RASSPL is trying to get across here;

"Rasspl to me was about an "organization" with many facets, and not about tournaments only, satisfying a bunch of anglers who are more interested in the prizes they can win rather than the protection and conservation of our Seas including the fish they catch putting emphasis on the “Sponsors” that made it all happen, and I am pleased to tell you, that this, is the direction it will now take."

Granted there are issues, which will always be with a new found organisation.
Consider the state of the economy and the 'sponsors' who cannot possibly meet the criteria put forward.
They are only 'sponsors' and do so from their own free will.
Imo the concept is good, the founders have put a good thing in place and set the bench mark for us as anglers and our children to follow.

Lets conserve the last remaining species before its too late to do so.



After 13 years in existence and over 9 years to this message, RASSPL surpassed all expectations on the conservation department. Many good things have happened for the best over the years and there are more good things to come. We lost great people over the years and they will always be fondly remembered by all on all fishing fronts. Lots of great relationships formed and we look forward to many more to come. RASSPL became the IPL of fishing where you are taught not to go fishing anymore, but to catch fish. Yearly get togethers, bait presentations, prize giving, Nationals and Internationals have become a norm with very competitive comps throughout the season. And Yes, WP that was ridiculed and made fun of is one of the strongest franchises today lol. Maybe we must lend some anglers to our cousins from another sector wink wink. Here's to many more great seasons to come. PS, the data and scientific information that have been accumulated over the years is next to nothing with many break throughs on the fishing front. Even new species or hybrid species being found. Watch this space. It can only get better.
I am sad to say but I used to love fishing RASSPL, but have stopped participating about 2 years ago.

We have often asked for the finances to be made available to its members (which is common practice with any other sports club)
Unfortunately this fell on death ears, and we are still uncertain where the bulk of our membership money goes to?
Especially since most prices are sponsored anyway.

The second and probably the greatest point of frustration was the time if took to get the results back.
I recall a specific competition where we waited almost 2 months to get the results back.
We even fished the next comp, without receiving the results from the previous comp.

Hopefully someone will read this and get this format back to its former glory

Kindest regards