Do yourself a favour and research reconstituted tobacco, then look at the "tobacco" in your ciggies under a decently powered microscope. Notice how it all looks like sponge cake embossed with a leaf look, veins and all, and coated with a layer of "stuff" on one surface. You probably will never buy another pack of branded smokes again. To realize that you have been conned and turned into a slave and have had d00s written on your forehead is stronger than the brainwashing that ciggies resemble a "natural" product and that you should buy them to deliver your nicotine.
The layer of cr@p is all the flavourants, ammonia/freebase nicotine and burn-property additives (of which there can be hundreds) sprayed onto the reconstituted tobacco (most of the stuff in branded ciggies aside from the stick which is real) after going through the embossing rollers. Do yourself a favour also and strip a ciggie of its "tobacco" and light/burn the paper inside and smell the chemical cocktail that vapourises off that, salt peter, sulphur, phosphates, gunpowder basically, etc.. and take note of how thick the paper is and of how low the quality is. The lingering stench from burning the ciggie paper is one and the same as the lingering smell from smoking a ciggie. Nasty.
I am an admitted nicotine addict, but choose to have some say in the quality of product used. I smoke small hand rolled numbers, they are so non kingsize haha, rolled in the finest organic paper with no additives, using the finest organic tobacco with no additives I can procure, and it makes a huge difference to my health. You'll find yourself smoking far less (my new equilibrium was/is about 1/5 the amount) once your body takes about a month to switch to the nicotine carbonate as opposed to the freebase it is used to. Funnily that is the exact reason as to why nicorettes or vaping does not satisfy a ciggie smoker until they have tried it for a while, the body is used to the hit of freebase nicotine, this is why ciggies go stale after a day or three of being opened, the ammonia evaporates away and the nicotine reacts with co2 in the air to form the less potent carbonate salt. If your body is used to the freebase it will reach for the pack 20 times a day or more as the stuff has shorter half-life in the body, if it is used to carbonate you will reach for the snuff/cigar/vape/rolly 5 times a day or less unless in social situations I find. If one is smoking much less poisoning papers and clean unprocessed tobacco along with far less amounts of it, or vaping it makes a significant difference to the negative effects on your health IMO. It does not suit the bottom line of the tobacco giants though who make most of the ciggie tobacco out of the dust and waste from processing plants in tobacco growing and cigar making countries in a manner not dissimilar to how polony is made.
If one wants to change to organic tobacco, or nicorettes or vape etc.. it is important to ignore the craving for a ciggie for at least a month and just to use the natural nicotine, once your body forgets about the freebase hit it will not crave so bad anymore, then if you want to quit the other nicotine it is a bit easier.
I'm still an addict though, quit for 3 years after reading alan carrs' easy way to quit, worked a bar for a year with no problem until I took one puff again..eish..more than a decade later still smoking..