post count


speartackle wrote:
Pslatarix wrote:
A Big Thanks to Emps for the PM and for restoring my posts. Appears it was a glitch. No wine here Robyosh!
Based on a few moments of thought:

You are indeed a groot bek. You give insubstantial offerings on SL.

You are not recorded with any method of tagged fish here or on ORI, you offer no insight as to where others may benefit from...and so on.

You can do one of two things, block me or buck up. I suppoose you can do both.

The moment you actually start to catch fish, please post those reports!

History is what it is, stop feeding of it!

WoW where did this com from....PM would be the way to sort it chaps...

In my books this constututes an ..OFFSIDE :?


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Hey salticrax..I'm glad you got sorted meneer..

Lookin good @ 2100+ posts..Keep on contributing inspite of what others might think


craig54 wrote:
Sad to see a bunch of grown men behave like this . Luckily there is this lovely FISHING site called Ultimate angling .


Sis man , get a hold of yourselves !!!!

Ai ai ai....ROOF ook ma lekker hier en kom blaas UA trompet...Krap ma lekker...SL ROCKS

Jy soek ook ma


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Big Ben and big boep you crack me up! To sum it up..smoke a doobie, relax, that was definitely off-sides.. you ou's look like baboons krapping each others arses!

Lets get back to fishing! ;) There is more serious s#it to complain about in this country for sure.. Thats why I go fishing, to get away from it all!


Nice tackle..:)


Dr halibut hoffman wrote:
Big Ben and big boep you crack me up! To sum it up..smoke a doobie, relax, that was definitely off-sides.. you ou's look like baboons krapping each others arses!

Lets get back to fishing! ;) There is more serious s#it to complain about in this country for sure.. Thats why I go fishing, to get away from it all!

Nee wat Doc..I embrase the crap, deal with it and amongst it all go fish...OFTEN

It's calle LIFE :hyst::hyst::hyst::hyst:


Dr halibut hoffman wrote:
Big Ben and big boep you crack me up! To sum it up..smoke a doobie, relax, that was definitely off-sides.. you ou's look like baboons krapping each others arses!

Lets get back to fishing! ;) There is more serious s#it to complain about in this country for sure.. Thats why I go fishing, to get away from it all!

moerse like doctor((goodp_


Look guys, this thread was peachy clean till spear tackle ran his mouth. I'd like to believe that admin made me a sealiner cause I contribute to the forum. There's no buddy buddy thing here. In no way did I attack spear tackle personally, it was the opposite. I enjoy my time here for the most part and where I can I help the newbies out even if I've answered posts abou "where to fish at hangklip" or kzn south coast 100 times over. There was absolutely no reason for speartackle to have a dig at me, and without substantial evidence to boot. I'm not about to stand back and let someone slander me on an open forum!


Hmmmm DR 'halibut" Hoffman, if I look at your user name, Minus the halibut , I can see you're a peace loving guy. Lol shot bru.


Hmmmm DR 'halibut" Hoffman, if I look at your user name, Minus the halibut , I can see you're a peace loving guy. Lol shot bru.


nee wat kyk hoe klim Hollibat se post count nou met die mooi foooties


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Thats right, peace right out or the good Doctor is gonna get you.. ;)
Looking down right now, one of the latest stars to appear up in the sky. RIP Doc.


Now let's get back to fishing..

I went to collect bait on Sat AM in the freeeezing cold and made a couple a throws.

One fish still with mommies teat ina mouth.

Howevere..There was an enormous amount of FRESH water aquatic plants in the drift...

Now my question....Does the sudden fresh water flow to the tidal zone with the plant floatation as proof affect the feeding of fish in the 'zone'

Especially Gallies and Das