Online Recreational Fishing Permit - Finally!


New member
I registered on the site...did the whole thing and when i proceeded to pay....Error pay site can not be reached... 🥲


New member
I registered on the site...did the whole thing and when i proceeded to pay....Error pay site can not be reached... 🥲
It did the same for me but I waited a few days and I came right using Chrome - it worked well for me and my brother on a different computer - this was on Fri 16 Dec and we got our permits right away as a pdf download


New member
Morning All,

I was very happy when I saw this as most Post Offices close to me are closed, or never have power.

Website is quick and easy and something that should have been done along time ago.



Senior Member
Good afternoon People

My question is, do inspectors accept the electronic copy on your phone or must you have a printed copy with you while fishing?


Senior Member
Yeah, this is great. Also did mine online in December and got mine immediately as well. Printed it.
However, i would also like to know if the electronic version on my cell will be acceptable all over the country?
Nowhere does it saay to print it. Making it electronic, IMO, also directly implies it doesn't need to be printed. not print it and insist with the official (nicely) on this topic.