Monster Cob in Mosselbaai

Inky Squid

Active member
Was caught at Pienaarstrand, Glentana. Live mullet on slide, he also lost another big one, got one of 8kg and 2 leeries.


The question is, when was it caught. Lovely catch, Scape produces again. Wish we had cob like those in St. Francis bay!


New member
Inky squid is right - it was at Glentana. Sorry for the confusion - previously heard Boggoms but it has been confirmed that it was in fact at Glentana


grootvis wrote:
The question is, when was it caught. Lovely catch, Scape produces again. Wish we had cob like those in St. Francis bay!

Was caught this weekend and Inky is part of the Mosselbay crew and has his facts right


Enigma wrote:
grootvis wrote:
The question is, when was it caught. Lovely catch, Scape produces again. Wish we had cob like those in St. Francis bay!

Was caught this weekend and Inky is part of the Mosselbay crew and has his facts right

I know he catches a lot of those monsters, reason I asked was to know it was recent and that those big fish are still around.....:)

And that I'm jealous as I spent a lot of time fishing that beach and did not have much success....
The last big cows I heard of, being taken in the jbay area, were all released so they are still swimming around waiting for you grootvis ;) They are just not there now as the water is not lekker, more like sterile at the mo'. Need to be in Glentana!

Congrats to the angler above..that's a big cob!


Senior Member
Ma se Hare!! It's Massive!

Any details of the Fight and gear used, would love to know how long that fish took to get tired.


Fishbait wrote:
Ma se Hare!! It's Massive!

Any details of the Fight and gear used, would love to know how long that fish took to get tired.

Not sure how long but I heard that the fish was "dead" tired when it came out
Would really like to hear more from someone closer to the source