Howsit guys, is this thread still active?
Anyway i wish i had seen this thread before this weekend, as it was my wife's Birthday this Sunday and we drove down to the South coast on Friday and stayed till Monday.
So we left Pmb just before 2pm on Friday, and decided to check out what the water looked like at Park rynie and Rocky Bay. Rocky bay there were hardly anyone on that little pier and the wind was around 12knots NE. Water was a bit clear but we had to stop at the butchery in Park Rynie{( D'ROYS) Trust me guys if you want a lukka mutton chillie sausage then that is the place to go, be sure to ask for "devil sausages"}.
So we stopped at the bottom over the train line and into the "PARK" , The bakkie was choked with our whole family's luggage and our tackle.
We got two medium rods out and the "go-box" and went for a gooi, threw a few sards out to see what's hungry( the guy from the butchery stated that two nice copper breams came out but that was all) and that is was , nothing except a hogwash of reef on our lines. The lytie was now quite restless parking in the cab with the grandparents and so we decided to call it quits after a hectic BUT beautiful hour and a half and move on to our destination.
We got to Santana around 6:30pm and by the time we set ourselves in our apartments it was around 8:45 and my wife and i were amped to go out to the pier for a few throws, We changed and was ready to go, then it was decided that we should call it a night and rather wake up at 3am and keep them lines tight!!!