

I fished this morning at Margate Main Beach off the rocks on the right. There were quite a few fishermen/women who I hae not seen before, all having fun - but not much action.

One of the regulars for 2 small shad at about 6:30

I went to the furtherest out position and threw a big sardine on a drift bait with a big top bung. I have learned that if I pull the bung onto the top swivel and secure it there like that, it leaves a longer drint line and I have better luck if the bait trails behind the bung like this.

Today was not my day, I had a few mediicre pulls but no strike unfortunately. Probably really small shad or nibblers. I am dreaming of a nice Kob or a vris Garick.

I just enjoyed the morning and the relatively calm sea. compared to the weekend, which was pounding.

We think that the fish have gone down towards Port Edward, where apparently, there have been some sardines spotted - so we are all hoping for some action next week.

I will go down again at 4:pm and see what I can catch for supper.

I might also go right to the first bay and throw for some Bronze Breem on prawn.

Come boy.....lets see you pull !!


Naa, I am from Durban. Self Employed Software Developer with Maniac Partners who manage the business and see clients, leaving me to manage my workload on my own schedule.

So I wake up at 2am every morning and work till 6 and then go fish till 9 and then work till noon and then fish till 2 and then work till 4 and then fish to 6 and then work till 10'ish and then sleep.

Gotta love it !!


But I live in Margate Permanently now, its my home and I absolutely LOVE IT. Will never go back to the city !!


New member
Hi porkhead

I just want to know for interest sake if the fishing peer is still there. I was on holiday there that year when that big waves made havoc of everything. I still remember a few local fishermen asked me to sign a petition because that the municipality must fix the peer that was damaged.Just want to know.

Lekker visvang


Yea, the pier is limits but they are busy rebuilding it.

I went down again this afternoon, threw 6 half sardines, just got robbed by nibbers.

I then threw about 30 shots with a spoon, still nothing; then threw a lure, still nothing.

A guy on a very light rig, got 2 small blacktails- but no shad or anything.

I got to go to Durban tomorrow, so I will go down very early for a few shots.

The water is looking better and I truly hope that the sardines come when the water is nice and calm.

Cheers all



Hi Shane ,

Thanks for the update ..

Pls keep us posted , will be down next week as well With mis-guide .

May be if you have time , we can hook up some time ???



I am all over that. I will come and watch the toutnament with a students eyes and a childs heart.

Just let me know. I also have plenty space at my place if you guys need a crash pad.


Senior Member
Hey Porkhead thanks for all the updates and reports here . I rem that pier fished it always around August and thats wen the Sizers wer around and watch peeps have fun ... Got hooked into a monster Garrick on the right of that pier but lost it .

Hope to fish there soon!!


Ijust broke down on my way to Durban and was stranded in Hibberdene. Both the Mechanic and the Owner of the pub where I waited are avid fishermen/women and they say that they are catching everyday.

Salmon and Galjoen are almost guaranteed.

Lets hope that the cold front continues and the sardines jump out of the sea and nto my bait freezer.

Yea baby..... !!

By the excellent and honest mechanic on the South coast and a fellow fisherman is Dries. His number is 082 891 5022. He helped me out alot and even gave me a lift back to Margate. Big Thumbs up...thanks boet !!

Tight Lines !!


Senior Member
porkhead wrote:
Ijust broke down on my way to Durban and was stranded in Hibberdene. Both the Mechanic and the Owner of the pub where I waited are avid fishermen/women and they say that they are catching everyday.

Salmon and Galjoen are almost guaranteed.

Lets hope that the cold front continues and the sardines jump out of the sea and nto my bait freezer.

Yea baby..... !!

By the excellent and honest mechanic on the South coast and a fellow fisherman is Dries. His number is 082 891 5022. He helped me out alot and even gave me a lift back to Margate. Big Thumbs up...thanks boet !!

Tight Lines !!

Eish:doh sorry abt the b/down. Pub u say Hmmmm m stil stuck at work. Hopefully by the end of June wen m fishing the sards shud be full swing !!! 

Go wet a line boet!


I am getting picked up just now and am fishing Hibberdene, whilst waiting for my car to get fixed.

There is a very slight wind, which is forecasted to pick up to a 7-9 knot South Westerly this afternoon.

Wave height is about 1.5m every 10 seconds.

Now I want one of those Salmon that the Hibberdene locals were bragging about.

I will try and get some pics.

Tight lines !!