Lure Buiding - Lets vote


New member
How about a lure building forum or sub-forum? Some of our guys like Tauruck, Benniejordaan, Tacklewhore and others compare to some of the best I have seen anywhere. Tauruck's praises are sung on American sites.
Maybe these guys can combine and give us an A - Z manual for lure buiding like Nielg did with artificial lure angling. This could be a great hobby for times that we cant get to the water.


New member
Not intended as competition for lure importers but as a hobby forum. We could have themed luremaking competitions or even arange fishing comps where everyone must fish with their own handmade lures. How about it.


Senior Member
I only make common lures, white metal copies of famous tested & tried spinners (like the snake some like to use::respekt:) plugs out of PVC or resin, (Muffin Man has a mate who is better at) then me, Chokka jigs from Polyester & foam. No works of art just stuff that catches fish sometimes.

I am a very strong believer that lures only catch anglers, and anglers catch fish with any lure that can do what the angler wants.


New member
A lure building forum would be great, especially for a mug like me. I am intensely curious and some guidance from the masters would be great.

Polychaete wrote:
I only make common lures, white metal copies of famous tested & tried spinners (like the snake some like to use::respekt:) plugs out of PVC or resin, (Muffin Man has a mate who is better at) then me, Chokka jigs from Polyester & foam. No works of art just stuff that catches fish sometimes.

I am a very strong believer that lures only catch anglers, and anglers catch fish with any lure that can do what the angler wants.
I agree with you! You will see my lures are simple. But they are intended to get smashed untill there is bugger all left of them, then I'll make some more. I believe in getting the colours and action right and that's it. Making a lure look like a reel fish, well that is really an art form. If you look at some guys stuff you'll find that they have walls full of shiny lures. Most are not intended to go fishing or see water at all.

There is a difference.


Senior Member
Mate from a Californian site sent me a reel "iron" white one side blue the other. Made from cast iron and weighs about 200 gram.

So I had to catch a fish on it to send a picture of Yellowtail with mouth around the lure.

Horrible slow cranking thing, not right for the day, but It attracted the fish OK, so did that, then cast over them the second time round and just bounced it......I got the photo and hung the lure up in my Garage where it will remain for ever.