KZN/Durban social


Senior Member
Hi guys. Just testing the water to see how many people would be interested in a social at Glenashley/Virginia beach - since the upgrade there are ablutions/lights and security:)It will be a bring and braai b_r_a_a_i:beer Hopefully we may even catch some fish:sha:lol:1 As far as a date is concerned lets play it by ear/open to suggestions


Senior Member
Hi Guys. I fish the area now and again and 99% of the fish are caught after it gets dark. There is no real point to fishing :ifishinduring the day as all you are going to catch is a suntan:cool:
From the tide charts the 9th or 23 May would be ideal dates with high tide about 7 pm. So if we meet from 16:00 it would be ideal. Let me know what you think so we can finalize a date/time - The issue of weather conditions we can tackle a little closer to the time.:rain:X


Senior Member
OK 9th May it is ::tclaph::kznrls Please add your name to the list so we have a general idea of the numbers attending (so SAB needs to know what size truck to send::slo:puke).

1. Ruler
2. Habib
3. Pieterh
4. Fishyfred
5. Bamba Zonke


Staff member
Andre100, we will be glad to have you join us :)

Bennie, let me know what tackle you be comfortable with. I have r/s tackle you can use.



Senior Member
1. Ruler
2. Habib
3. Pieterh
4. Fishyfred
5. Bamba Zonke
6. Emps + Viresh
7. Benniejordaan
8. Andre

The numbers are gradually increasing ::slr:: Now we just have to hope for good weather ^^..


So , We are still on for this Sat fishing and social.

What time are we gonna make it 16H00 like Ruler suggested.