Kite Rod 4-5'very strong
Reel 600 or 900H Daiwa, extreme torque and good capacity
Kite Line 0.60mm mono
Kites... Square single line 60cm, 70cm and 1m
AFTCO or STONFO Outigger clip
Create a drop loop in your main leader lineby twisting the line as if you were making a bimini twist or tape the leader in a loop when you pull a fish the loop will pull out and you can reel the line onto the rod
Tackle, Minimum Talica 25II preferable TLD 50
Preferred wnd trace. Please don't make a fixed end trace. Use a 2mm slide with beads and #1 Power swivel. attach as if the bait had been slid down. ie stop ring on the end with the sinker on the stop ring.
This way if you cut off or if something swims into the line or you are stripped the fish won't be towing kilomters of line and heavy tackle along with it, only the hook trace and slide
Hook trace preferably 1-1.5m of PVC coated steel (440lbs)
Leader 2-2.6mm
Fly the kite out to 100-200m and make sure of the tack and lift so that it pulls well but is retrievable.
Tie the AFTCO clip in line, clip your bait in, as good measure the lower the wind the lower the clip setting ie 15-20km then on 4, 20-50km then on 8
One angler controls the kite and the other the fishing rod. Send the kite out till desired distance is reached, fishing rod is engaged and kite pulls the lines straight.
When the kite is still and the lines pulled tight, strike and the bait drops off. Do not then cross over one another etc as the fishing line may loop over the kite line. The kite will lift and eventually shed the fishing line.
To kite fish with a single rod and kite.
Fly the kite out to 100-200m. Insert a power swivel here and to the one end of the swivel swivel clip a snap on swivel to the kite and tie the mainline to the swivel. To the other end of the swivel tie a 10m Drop line / leader at the end of this tie your hook rig 1-4m in length. Use a 3/0 power swivel here.
Onto this bottom 3/0 power swivel tie a 2l coake bottle with 1-1.5 liters of water. Tihis is a ballast that will keep the kite from lifting your bait out of the water.
2m and 4m above the bottle using, clothes pegs attach flags (black bin bags work well) These flags act as bite indicators as you will see them disappear into the sea before you register any bite.
Now you're on and the fish fights you and the kite.
The advantage here is your bait is suspended in the water column and with the right traces GT and Cuta fishing from the shore is possible.
Greg Mountjoy in Knysna makes the best single line fishing kites and posts/couriers them to where ever you are 0820590070