In Mazeppa , I Learnt a valuable lesson , as well as Learning something about Myself : I'm a clumsy Idiot .
I broke the Tip EYE off my Brand new rod , And gary suggested buying Spare eyes and simply glueing them on Myself ( go figure ) .
At Lennies - I managed to Lose My temper and Inadvertently While fuming , Lost My Balance , Walked into a Thin Branch , and suddenly I was two for two (Rod no. 2) , after I bashed the tip off The Other gun( Rod no 1 ) . Not Cool . Prewtty Stupid Actually .
Removing That tip at home , I got The adhesive hot with a Little bit of heat - This Act has always bothered Me , As I firmly believed that heat damages the Carbon composite .
The tip finally Didn't come off , it snapped off When I grabbed it and tried forcing it off .
Got The new ordered Tip eye on , and Promised to be nmore Careful when Practising My new form of Self help .
( no quarrels so Far - /8 Gun sorted )
Sunday I Break Off the back end of the tip eye , Luckily I Have spare tips , right ?(Poseidon , ROd no#3 ........yes.....Don't say anything .....)
I take a knife and LIGHLTY cut the Reflective away ( Remember this Point for Later )And replaced The tip Eye in Less than 10 Minutes . Took it Out tonight to Admire My Handywork and after Pressing the tip section of my 3 Piece Poseidon against the garage Door - I heard what sounds to be Like when you try and Press a screwdriver through a piece of wood .........
When Pressing again , it happened - The NEW rod tip and a 3/4 inch section of the rop tip , Came WITH , and It SNAPPED OFF................
I first thought it was The Heat from the Lighter while Removing Or heating the Glue . I Was pretty careful to Not heat The tip up to dayglow orange Standards .
Both Times I Removed the broken tips , I used a Knife To Clear away the section I need .......
Can Someone Please confirm My uneducated suspicion , that Rods Are Like ceramic tiles , and The Second you "taint "The Outside Of the rod with ANY thin Line, by drawing something Over the rod , it creates a Weak spot, and is the direct Result of it snapping like a tile .
someone help Me here now , because I rushed the first one's clean up (Rod 2) , took My time with the Poseidon, and yet still Managed to Make My standard Length Posedion heavy into a "custom " Length . 13'6" splennnndid ...
Where did I go wrong ? Had To drill the Broken tip Piece out of The brand New eye , sand the Rod tip Off a Little , and Carefully re fit The Tip .
Feels Solid . but so did the first Repair -
So why did the piece(s) break Off ?? One Was haste - The other , was ..... ??
Ta .
Def-e-nition .
I broke the Tip EYE off my Brand new rod , And gary suggested buying Spare eyes and simply glueing them on Myself ( go figure ) .
At Lennies - I managed to Lose My temper and Inadvertently While fuming , Lost My Balance , Walked into a Thin Branch , and suddenly I was two for two (Rod no. 2) , after I bashed the tip off The Other gun( Rod no 1 ) . Not Cool . Prewtty Stupid Actually .
Removing That tip at home , I got The adhesive hot with a Little bit of heat - This Act has always bothered Me , As I firmly believed that heat damages the Carbon composite .
The tip finally Didn't come off , it snapped off When I grabbed it and tried forcing it off .
Got The new ordered Tip eye on , and Promised to be nmore Careful when Practising My new form of Self help .
( no quarrels so Far - /8 Gun sorted )
Sunday I Break Off the back end of the tip eye , Luckily I Have spare tips , right ?(Poseidon , ROd no#3 ........yes.....Don't say anything .....)
I take a knife and LIGHLTY cut the Reflective away ( Remember this Point for Later )And replaced The tip Eye in Less than 10 Minutes . Took it Out tonight to Admire My Handywork and after Pressing the tip section of my 3 Piece Poseidon against the garage Door - I heard what sounds to be Like when you try and Press a screwdriver through a piece of wood .........
When Pressing again , it happened - The NEW rod tip and a 3/4 inch section of the rop tip , Came WITH , and It SNAPPED OFF................
I first thought it was The Heat from the Lighter while Removing Or heating the Glue . I Was pretty careful to Not heat The tip up to dayglow orange Standards .
Both Times I Removed the broken tips , I used a Knife To Clear away the section I need .......
Can Someone Please confirm My uneducated suspicion , that Rods Are Like ceramic tiles , and The Second you "taint "The Outside Of the rod with ANY thin Line, by drawing something Over the rod , it creates a Weak spot, and is the direct Result of it snapping like a tile .
someone help Me here now , because I rushed the first one's clean up (Rod 2) , took My time with the Poseidon, and yet still Managed to Make My standard Length Posedion heavy into a "custom " Length . 13'6" splennnndid ...
Where did I go wrong ? Had To drill the Broken tip Piece out of The brand New eye , sand the Rod tip Off a Little , and Carefully re fit The Tip .
Feels Solid . but so did the first Repair -
So why did the piece(s) break Off ?? One Was haste - The other , was ..... ??
Ta .
Def-e-nition .