In Mazeppa , I Learnt a valuable lesson , as well


In Mazeppa , I Learnt a valuable lesson , as well as Learning something about Myself : I'm a clumsy Idiot .

I broke the Tip EYE off my Brand new rod , And gary suggested buying Spare eyes and simply glueing them on Myself ( go figure ) .

At Lennies - I managed to Lose My temper and Inadvertently While fuming , Lost My Balance , Walked into a Thin Branch , and suddenly I was two for two (Rod no. 2)  , after I bashed the tip off The Other gun( Rod no 1 )  . Not Cool . Prewtty Stupid Actually .

Removing That tip at home , I got The adhesive hot with a Little bit of heat - This Act has always bothered Me , As I firmly believed that heat damages the Carbon composite .
The tip finally Didn't come off , it snapped off When I grabbed it and tried forcing it off .

Got The new ordered Tip eye on , and Promised to be nmore Careful when Practising My new form of Self help .
 ( no quarrels so Far - /8 Gun sorted )

Sunday I Break Off the back end of the tip eye , Luckily I Have spare tips , right ?(Poseidon , ROd no#3 ........yes.....Don't say anything .....)

I take a knife and LIGHLTY cut the Reflective away ( Remember this Point for Later )And replaced The tip Eye in Less than 10 Minutes . Took it Out tonight to Admire My Handywork and after Pressing the tip section of my 3 Piece Poseidon against the garage Door - I heard what sounds to be Like when you try and Press a screwdriver through a piece of wood .........

When Pressing again , it happened - The NEW rod tip and a 3/4 inch section of the rop tip , Came WITH , and It SNAPPED OFF................

I first thought it was The Heat from the Lighter while Removing Or heating the Glue . I Was pretty careful to Not heat The tip up to dayglow orange Standards .
Both Times I Removed the broken tips , I used a Knife To Clear away the section I need .......

Can Someone Please confirm My uneducated suspicion , that Rods Are Like ceramic tiles , and The Second you "taint "The Outside Of the rod with ANY thin Line, by drawing something Over the rod ,  it creates a Weak spot, and is the direct Result of it snapping like a tile .

someone help Me here now , because I rushed the first one's clean up (Rod 2) , took My time with the Poseidon, and yet still Managed to Make My standard Length Posedion heavy into a "custom " Length . 13'6" splennnndid ...

Where did I go wrong ? Had To drill the Broken tip Piece out of The brand New eye , sand the Rod tip Off a Little , and Carefully re fit The Tip .

Feels Solid . but so did the first Repair -

So why did the piece(s) break Off ?? One Was haste - The other , was ..... ??

Ta .

Def-e-nition .



Heat it up gently and in short sessions and PULL don't TWIST the tip when removing it.

Blue Marlin rods are fine with som additional heat.

Purglas, Sensation, WAFT and most others do not at all like heat as it weakens the epoxy that holds the carbon strans together.

Most manufacturers Epoxy the tip guides on, the carbon of the rod is held together by Epoxy so over heating the tip carries heat right through both epoxies thereby weakening them.

You want just enogh heat to soften the epoxy securing the eye.

Once you have removed the guide then push the section between thumb and forefinger to test the integrity of the Carbon



I own 2 x Poseidons. The glue they are using I dont think is the type we are used to , the type that you heat and it comes off. I have tried(thank G%^ that it didnt break off) to remove the tip eye. It does not come off! I think they could be using some sort of "super glue".

Other thing, when I removed the other guides, I was shocked at the work done on the guide feet. They had grinded just about the entire foot off and left the burrs on. Luckily I decided to change the eyes and came upon this.


Can anyone tell me if they've had any problems sliding on big game line. The Red one. Blue is piele, find another burrr right at the bottom on line I put on on Tuesday.replaced the top eye again, blaming the rod-and theni remembered I thinki used the poseidon to slide at tweed eBay. Will try see if it does anything again in the week. Can't understand why after5 years of sliding I'm now picking up heat burrs???

The line looks as if I've tried to chafe through it, about 1.5mm long.
I've never had this problem before asi basically showed duif how to keep the tip wet all the time, I also do not slide for ten minutes in one spot on only one section of line. That rules out half of the replies I might have gotten.

Any thoughts chaps?

I'm baffled. .