i might be wrong, but that looks like a Mahindra scorpio!The correct caption is missing:
"Lack of business is driving Land Cruiser owner to drink"
Apart from a Land Rover apparentlyi dont think there is anything as bad as a Mahindra!
landshark wrote:
You could be right... ????????????????????
Either way, Scorpio... Cruiser... same thing...
:fbashBoet you need more than just glasses, I dont even think an eye transplant will do it for you!:fbash
Thats maybe why you bought a LAND rover and not a
LANDCRUISER-- You could not see past the LAND::S
::rofl:::rofl:::rofl:landshark wrote:
You could be right... ????????????????????
Either way, Scorpio... Cruiser... same thing...
:fbashBoet you need more than just glasses, I dont even think an eye transplant will do it for you!:fbash
Thats maybe why you bought a LAND rover and not a
LANDCRUISER-- You could not see past the LAND::S
Well this time I really had to tickle the Lions nads hard to get a reaction! ::rofl:
Why so few comments? Are you Cruiser guys ashamed of something?
.....maybe got something to do with the latest 270 000 unit Toyota recall???
::SNice one there Andries!::SWhat's the problem ??
Land Rover must be one of the only brands to use their own vehicles as support vehicles.
When you see a Bantam bakkie with Toyota stickers, a Corsa with Ford stickers, a Mahindra with Merc stickers, a Fiat with Nissan stickers, you got to wonder?
In anycase, it is only a Landy that can get to were a Landy gets stuck - the others stay behind.
Ever seen the stickers on a Colt Bakkie - he he
Caterpillar, P&H, Terex.
Now there is a real Bakkie