[IMG]http://i42.tinypic.com/280lk52.jpg[/IMG] [












These are some of the spots on the Weskus,that I have done so far seen that the weather and seas this weekend are not good,you may study them and sometime maybe hook up with me to go fishing....

Now lets see if this works!!!! LOL...


Excellent post Wayne!!

Only thing I miss about Cape Town is the West Coast!!

Have you ventured into places like Lamberts Bay and Hondeklip Bay?

Keep them coming, the guys will love this kind of info!



Its thanx to you and Reefman that I could post these pics like this...showing me the Tinypic.com site..makes it so much quicker than post pic per pic....most of these spots I have fished and have had some blank days and some on dad days...but they all good and work real well if the conditions are right...

I have not yet been to those spots but will have them on my venture to do list....


white pointer wrote:
hey Wayne

have you got any info to share with me about lamberts and elands pls will really appreciate it

Never fished there just surfed..LOL!! BUT some of those reefs look real good....let me see what I can find out for you..


Wayne wrote:

Its thanx to you and Reefman that I could post these pics like this...showing me the Tinypic.com site..makes it so much quicker than post pic per pic....most of these spots I have fished and have had some blank days and some on dad days...but they all good and work real well if the conditions are right...

I have not yet been to those spots but will have them on my venture to do list....

Hiya Wayne,

Thanks for the thought, but I did not post the Tiny Pic link...not sure who did? I think it was either Nepps or Reefman.

I did do this tutorial, http://www.sealine.co.za/view_topic.php?id=16746&forum_id=38 maily for doing quality resizing of images.

Reefman, This is LOST in the Lounge. Is there no other place to place it? I know many chaps battle with getting a quality image to the right dimentions and image size.


Wayne! You Biscuit! Excellent dude! Superb sharing bud!!!!!

Guys - Wayne is a gem. Truly a gem. He took me out to Paaltjies for my 1st ever weskus White Stump some time back, and since then I've been having them regularly in the pan. He also shared a few tricks and baits....which equals better than normal hit rate!

Also had the privelege a few months ago (together with Nepps, Linda and Tracey) just prior to the ladies Nationals to watch Wayne's missus show the boys how it's done, sorting out a spotty out in double quick time.

Nicest people in the world on the West Coast. For those of you who have never been there or fished with these very special people.......put it on the "to do list"..... you may even becoame like some of us who are prepping things to live there!!!

Yup, we're driving back down on Tuesday (after the k@K Ass-kicking fronts that are klapping you in the Cape as I type this)....we will be at BB on Wednesday night....Wayne? If you're in SA - Friday/Sat maybe? They should be feeding again by then?


royboy wrote:
Wayne! You Biscuit! Excellent dude! Superb sharing bud!!!!!

Guys - Wayne is a gem. Truly a gem. He took me out to Paaltjies for my 1st ever weskus White Stump some time back, and since then I've been having them regularly in the pan. He also shared a few tricks and baits....which equals better than normal hit rate!

Also had the privelege a few months ago (together with Nepps, Linda and Tracey) just prior to the ladies Nationals to watch Wayne's missus show the boys how it's done, sorting out a spotty out in double quick time.

Nicest people in the world on the West Coast. For those of you who have never been there or fished with these very special people.......put it on the "to do list"..... you may even becoame like some of us who are prepping things to live there!!!

Yup, we're driving back down on Tuesday (after the k@K Ass-kicking fronts that are klapping you in the Cape as I type this)....we will be at BB on Wednesday night....Wayne? If you're in SA - Friday/Sat maybe? They should be feeding again by then?


Was up buddy? I am still stuck here in Angola till the 24th, will be fishing the weekend of the 30th,give us a call around the 26th,and we will make a plan...need to wet some line badly... also would like to talk to you about those dropshot rods you got and so on,yip the Mrs and me wanna give it a go..do some light tackel fishing for a change....just to see what it like... as for the fish,with these cold fronts that going to hit us,I hope the wind pushes that redtide far out to sea,and the fish can come on the bite again.... the baan should be getting quite around now,but you never know....they might still bite after the fronts have passed...drive down safe and hope to see you and the better half soon again.... 


Richhat wrote:
Great post

Does this area work in winter and what bait should be used

Sorry for the late reply....

These areas do work in winter..but you will only get Galjoen and the odd kob,elf or geelbek..the sharks you will pick up are Cow shark and an odd Bronzie,fishing on the WESKUS in winter is slow as all fish some how go off the bite,but if you into sharks and so on then try these spots....bait wise,for Galjoen,use prawn,white mussel and bloodworm Sharks,use baits such as Yellowtil heads,bonies,sards cut in half and made real bloody work great....


The galjoen spots you posted. If you do start getting them, i hope you are a catch and release person coz they come out in clumps there.