Wayne! You Biscuit! Excellent dude! Superb sharing bud!!!!!
Guys - Wayne is a gem. Truly a gem. He took me out to Paaltjies for my 1st ever weskus White Stump some time back, and since then I've been having them regularly in the pan. He also shared a few tricks and baits....which equals better than normal hit rate!
Also had the privelege a few months ago (together with Nepps, Linda and Tracey) just prior to the ladies Nationals to watch Wayne's missus show the boys how it's done, sorting out a spotty out in double quick time.
Nicest people in the world on the West Coast. For those of you who have never been there or fished with these very special people.......put it on the "to do list"..... you may even becoame like some of us who are prepping things to live there!!!
Yup, we're driving back down on Tuesday (after the k@K Ass-kicking fronts that are klapping you in the Cape as I type this)....we will be at BB on Wednesday night....Wayne? If you're in SA - Friday/Sat maybe? They should be feeding again by then?