I havent had any real success with this particular


Senior Member
I havent had any real success with this particular strop so I want to find out from S/L what:

1. Length the total rig should be?

2. How far away should the hooklinks be on average / and what length?

3.  What is the ideal weight for this rig

I want to use this rig more often, so my thinking is that I'm building it wrong.

I recently purchased my Okuma Longbows and am eager to test the rig.



I make mine 35cm in length and use 2 gummy stops on either side of the swivel so i can adjust the distance up and down.

Last month's bank angler has a full tutorial on the trace. Hooklines are around 12cm in length and because we use larger weights on this rif I prefer a #10 hook above my #12's

If the mud is deep then move the bottom hook to 20cm above the weight if firm bottom then move it down so that the bottom hook lays against the feed ball


Senior Member
Thanks Enigma you are helpfull as ever :)

I will see if I can find that issue of The Bank Angler. I now hope to catch the fish at greater distances....



Mark, you can put the bomb on the weight as always. Just make it a bit firmer and smaller. Or put a plaster around the weight and dip the weight into your dip of choice and then into some dry groundfeed.


Senior Member
So, I must just press the mielie bom around the weight right at the end of my rig (I musn't use an M weight on the end)..?

If you dipping with a plaster and then dry feed, where does the plaster go, and won't the feed come off before the weight hits the ground after hitting the surface of the water..?

Thanks for the help Naruto..!



Remember how Enigma showed us how to put the bomb around the line first and then after forming it, pull it down onto the weight until you feel satisfied that it is properly set on the weight.

With the plaster you can also dip everything in some SA powder. This helps bind everything together. As the weight decents down to the bottom, it creates a trail of flavour and floro to the bait.


New member
Hi Naruto
Ek gebruik die vaaldam Gummy strop,450 lank met 120mm hoeklyne. Jy kan die hoeke skyf soos jou behoeftes is.Speel vis mooi met sagte gewrigte,die P7 gewig kan dai hoek uitskeur.Daar was jare terug n tegniek wat jy dai sinker verloor as n karp jou strop optel,nie seker of jy dit mag doen? Die vis sit dan nie vas op 160m nie.Ek prys Sealine baie in suidkaap,hier is baie opkomende oukies.


Sover ek weet is daar niks wat sê dat jy nie die sinker mag 'drop' nie.

Eks nou so lus vir visvang, ai!
Naruto wrote:
Sover ek weet is daar niks wat sê dat jy nie die sinker mag 'drop' nie.

Eks nou so lus vir visvang, ai!

Jy mag nie met "weggoi" sinkers hengel op SAVOV komps nie. As hulle jou vang gooi hulle parrafien by jou voer en dips.

Seriously, hulle gaan jou straf. Daar was n ander tegniek waar die sinker "los" kom na die bol geblus het. Op nationals het die beamptes daarop aangedring om jou klaar gelaaide stroppe se bolle oop te breek sodat hulle kan sien of daar 'n "weggooi" gewig op is.