How to clean boat???


Senior Member
Water restrictions have recently been imposed on us, so I try fall in with this, even my so-called lawn is busy dying.  My biggest problem is cleaning my boat after a fishing excursion, does anyone have any idea what I can do???

Someone has mentioned that I use swimming pool chlorine (HTH) mixed in a bucket of water, then scrub the boat thouroughly and giving it a quick rinse afterwards, won't the chlorine have the same result as fuel spilt on your bait???  What will the chlorine do to my almost dead lawn if it comes into contact with it???

Any ideas PLEASE, I'm desparate


New member
Chlorine is actually a very good disinfection - we use it extensively in the chicken industry to wash and disinfect chicken houses etc. It should get rid of any smells and so on, and if u rinse it afterwards you should not have a problem. You will need to make quite a strong solution, and dont let it dry before rinsing otherwise you will have a white build - up left. I suggest you wash a area and rinse and then move on.



Senior Member
I invested in a high pressure cleaner on special from Game R1000 uses very little water and cleans spotlessly. I use a little bit of dishwashing liquid in a bucket to scrub then hose down with the hi pressure cleaner.
I find that a lot of the water wasted is from flushing the motors.


Senior Member
Echo7 wrote:
I invested in a high pressure cleaner on special from Game R1000 uses very little water and cleans spotlessly. I use a little bit of dishwashing liquid in a bucket to scrub then hose down with the hi pressure cleaner.
I find that a lot of the water wasted is from flushing the motors.

I used to do the HP cleaner thing, but the problem is, according to our water restrictions, no hose is allowed to be connected to any tap for any reason except for fire-fighting purposes, we are now only allowed 500litres per family per day, the fine is anything up to R2000 ... I've got really weird people for neighbours. 


HTH after each boat trip - bad for the environment (and your grass) if you ask me. Plus breathing the fumes in will be bad for you and it could get it into your eyes too.

Simply clean your boat as you go along on the water using a sponge in a net and a bucket of sea water to rinse off. it works wonders and is how all the commercials and most cape recreationals clean their decks after each fish landed. It will avoid having to clean off dry crusty bait and blood later on when you get home. you can buy or make up these sponges.

For the final clean at home i find a brush,Kleen Green and the same sponge in a net to work great, followed by a light spray to rinse off.


Senior Member
HTH after each boat trip - bad for the environment (and your grass) if you ask me.

Simply clean your boat as you go along on the water using a sponge in a net and a bucket of sea water to rinse off. it works wonders and is how all the commercials and most cape recreationals clean their decks after each fish landed. It will avoid having to clean off dry crusty bait and blood later on when you get home. you can buy or make up these sponges.

For the final clean at home i find a brush,Kleen Green and the same sponge in a net to work great, followed by a light spray to rinse off.


 I forgot to add that we also use seawater on the way back to get most of the muck and blood off. makes cleaning much easier.


Senior Member
Echo7 wrote:
HTH after each boat trip - bad for the environment (and your grass) if you ask me.

Simply clean your boat as you go along on the water using a sponge in a net and a bucket of sea water to rinse off. it works wonders and is how all the commercials and most cape recreationals clean their decks after each fish landed. It will avoid having to clean off dry crusty bait and blood later on when you get home. you can buy or make up these sponges.

For the final clean at home i find a brush,Kleen Green and the same sponge in a net to work great, followed by a light spray to rinse off.


 I forgot to add that we also use seawater on the way back to get most of the muck and blood off. makes cleaning much easier.

Well, this is embarrassing ... I forgot that the sea is full of water which I can use, thanx guys


MouseDog wrote:
Well, this is embarrassing ... I forgot that the sea is full of water which I can use, thanx guys

Glad it could help.

I'm sure you wont, but rather dont use any cleaning products with the sea water at sea for obvious reasons.  Just sea water alone and a scrub works wonders. The sponges i mentioned, you can probably by those at your local tackle shop as i did, but i found them pretty expensive. You could make them up a lot cheaper.


Senior Member
If you polish the boat with stuff like starbrite wich is eco friendly, then it makes cleaning so much easier you basically just wipe as you mess! the poish leaves a layer on the boat so things like grease or blood dont stick like sh1t


The Boatman

Senior Member
For some reason I never have a problem with that fish smell on my boat.

Maybe it is because I havent had a damn fish on the deck since I took ownership of the

Anybody willing to help me get some fish on the deck so I also have a reason to wash my boat^^..


Use Colgate Apple shampoo (green bottle). It is the only one that foams with sea water.

P14 - used by panel beaters - is a polish/rubbing compound that removes rust marks.


Senior Member
Toilet duck does a pretty good job!! but then polish the boat so that it does not happen so quickly!!