Hiya Peeps , It is that time again !!! Social :


Hiya Peeps ,

It is that time again !!! Social ::S


Ok come one , Come all , it is just before School Holidays which means alot of you may be heading to coast & can get tips etc ???


We gonna have the Raffle draw!!!


You guys can come & witness me win the reel !!! :fbash


What else would you guys like to do on the day ????  Ideas & Suggestions Pls !!!:wfish


Is this the 27th June Kumz?

Reckon make it one of those bring and braai chill socials... just go with the flow?


Kumz wrote:
Hiya Peeps ,

It is that time again !!! Social ::S


Ok come one , Come all , it is just before School Holidays which means alot of you may be heading to coast & can get tips etc ???


We gonna have the Raffle draw!!!


You guys can come & witness me win the reel !!! :fbash


What else would you guys like to do on the day ????  Ideas & Suggestions Pls !!!:wfish
Sowy, The 27th is out or me. Back in Limpopo by then. Catch you chaps at the next one..


Kumz wrote:
Yes Reefer ..

Christo , u cant leave us Mate ,

I need u there - D-day Boy ???? LOL
Sowy Bud, if it were the 20th, No Problem, but i need to be back in Limpopo for condtruction.


Senior Member
20th and 27th is good for me.
It would be better if Im there as it will save you chaps couriers costs to get that reel to me::S

Mike Pike

Kumz wrote:
icstuff wrote:
20th and 27th is good for me.
It would be better if Im there as it will save you chaps couriers costs to get that reel to me::S
No it is mine !!!! :fbash ....
Aikona !! its mine !!


Senior Member
Ok I say we fight for it, you two can start and i will finish it... so it will be the 27th.

There can only be one... Ha Ha Ha
PS The Chap carrying the big nasty sword will be me.


Beware guys I am a long distance fighter, i can throw a half brick accurately at 30m -So watch it!! Dont mess with my reel!!!!!

L Hooker

Senior Member
Hey Kumz is it the 27th June? If so would have loved to make it but i'm going hunting that weekend.. Dude please keep thee reel safe for me..I'll collect it the Monday::S::S::S


Senior Member
It also must have been during the great depression, having only half bricks to practice with

me runs more that 30m away from Simen

action man

Senior Member
must definately start coming to the GP socials now that im studying in pretoria...but wnt make this one, got bak to durban on the 25th! But see you guys at the next one!


We miss you already Ian. Go and have a blast and let us know how it went.
Action man, nice to hear that you are trying to attend. Looking forward to the next one then.