Hiya Guys Left my box full of lures and tools t


Senior Member
Hiya Guys

Left my box full of lures and tools this morning near the lifesaving club...any help would be appreciated.


Senior Member
howzit nightfox - other than the lures how things been - long time no news

know how you feel - also lost a box of lures two weeks back - its one thing losing a few z claws etc to skippies, entirely another story effectively throwing them away -

hopefully you get good news - leaving them there at least gives you a fair chance of a good samaritan having found them


Senior Member
Hi Curt

Ja working keeps me busy with little time for fishing hey, left late this morning to rush to work, and forgot to load my box. But like you said, just maybe a good samaritan picked it up, otherwise someone scored a couple grand's worth of lures and digital cam etc.

Ja not a lekka feeling losing tackle this way.