Hi there,just wanted to try out kite fishing.Any i


Senior Member
kitefisher wrote:
@ Critter,for a start I would suggest a Windsong square fishing kite as per their site,onion bag as tail or nylon ski-rope with a few knots at the bottom( 5-7).Simple method with an exact off-shore,Fly the kite out 120-150 meters,take fishing rod with 30 meter leader,tie kite with knot onto leader,as near as possible to main-line,but on leader (thickness,purposes),attach live-bait or any bait to your hook-trace.

Start feeding kite with line ,now flying it with your fishing rod,if you understand me correctly, .20 meters out ,you can if you want to attatch a piece of black refuse bag as a marker with a clothes peg,(must be able to remove very easily.

Feed more line and let your bait go through the surf,or off the rocks.Everything is like mentioned now on one rod,you determine the distance,if the kite draws your bait out the water,you shoul attatch a 1liter coke bottle(plastic) near your trace,half-filled or filled as necessary with water to keep bait in water.

When marker goes down,wind untill all slack is out of your line and strike a few good ones,to compensate for the kite tugging at your line as well.Play fish until marker comes near, if from the rocks,or move back as far as possible on a beach,(get side-kick to remove marker on peg,quickly),keep playing fish whilst reeling in the fishing line and kite line both onto your reel,not ideal,but if the fish takes line remember the kite will also take line.

What is important with this method is that your kite should still be at a stable height ,even after the fish has been landed,so rather fly it further initially ,than closer , make sense,

Fish released,pay out line until all kite,line is off your fishing reel,and put nother bait,repeat above steps for second fish.

Aleka reel and cheap,to boot are those old Daiwa,450,or950,cant quite remember,easily available second hand.Takes a lot of line,as capacity is necessary,in this method.

Critter,Send pm for more questions.

What line and lenght should be used for the kite?


@ Woerman, remember Critter asked about an introductory method to Kite-fishing,the above example is just one of many ways to skin the cat.

In the above,because you are going to tie your kite line to your main fishing line once the kite is flying in clean winds and holding stable,you wont need much more than 120-150 meters of line,I would recommend a Dyneema type of line of maybe 50kg's (available from Windsong kites),not for the sheer strength,but because it gives you a bit of diameter,which is usually more user friendly on the hands.

Once again for the above example,one can use mono, .50 or so .bear in mind in the above method ,you are going to roll some of that kite-line onto your fishing reel ,with your fishing-line,upon landing the fish,unless you are on a beach and can move farther back.Or unless you can get somebody to untie the kite from your main rig ,once the fish is near.(can be snipped with side-cutter or nail-clipper,while firmly holding onto the kite -line,the little remnants of the knot shouldn't hamper )

This kite line can be kept either on a seperate hand spool,or Mickey Mouse rod just to get the kite going up till the 130-150m,which you will then tie to your mainline/fishing-rod's line.



Senior Member
Thanks for the info Kitefisher!

One more question: How do you tie the kite on the mainline?  Do you use a swivel?


woerman wrote:
Thanks for the info Kitefisher!

One more question: How do you tie the kite on the mainline?  Do you use a swivel?

As per description,you try and tie it to an extra long leader,It can be done with a good number of windings around this leader,20 or so,which spreads the load better,and wont cut into this section of leader.If you dont want to do that,you can always tie a 3-way swivel there,and tie kite to that,  BUT!!  ,then you must have beach to work with behind you ,cos you'll only be able to reel in untill the swivel,leaving your fish out maybe another 15-20 meters, which could be a problem fishing off the rocks.

Make sense ?

Mike Pike

Guys as far as i know , the best would be to speak to Durban A.T.C or Virginia A.T.C and find out how to go about it as they control the airspace and can therefore notify a/c flying in the area to be aware of the guys kite fishing , although it is breaking the law to fly below the prescribed minimum height at sea level (500 ft) and these pilots can be in trouble if reported unless they have special permission to fly at lower heights for survey work / photography etc... what height do the Sharks board fly at ..?? when patrolling .. ??  i'll ask some pilots here in the meantime and see if i can find any more info .. although i think if an a/c hits your line it will snap off, plenty power and force involved.


Thanks Mike,much obliged.

The other group also of concern are the Micro-lights,and Gyro-copters, I fully understand the enjoyment that these guys derive from their sport,and I honestly dont want to "invade their space" excuse the pun. In their case it could cause serious bodily harm,even though the kite-line or fishing line shouldn't last very long.If, for example he hooks the dropper-line 1mm-1.6mm leader with the wing ,and continues flying without it snapping ,he could just be hit in the grill with a 2kg Bonnie,or the hooks or the 400lbs steel leader/trace.Some guys go way heavy on their Kite tackle.

Eagerly awaiting feedback.

@Kite flyer,I have seen miniature torches,with a coloured strobe-light setting,which apparently lasts very long due to LED's being used.Now I suppose one can stick this inside a uuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmm ,condo ,uuuum transparent balloon,and hang it on either your dropper or kite-line near the kite.

Soothes the conscience if nothing else.


New member
  Now we must just find a way for the wind to blow from the right direction.  Following Kitefishers advise I bought a kite and a taxi kite from Windsong's (See photos from my previous posts), just to arrive in Knysna towards the end of November to find the wind blows 24/7 from the sea and there were no way to get a kite out to sea.  The point I would like to make is. learning from my own experience, is that one should study the weather patterns before going kite fishing. Once again thank you for all the advice on kite fishing, it sound incredibly interesting and already thought about a number of applications when going freshwater fishing.  



Freshwater kite is big in Europe and to an extent in Australia,cos they do have freshwater release clips,The red one in my earlier post. Knowing the wind is essential,unless of the Island at Mazzepa where it doesn't really matter.


kitefisher man, i see ive been roped into some duties?! :kaykak no worries mate! ~ when i was 45 years younger we used to build Box kites and fly them out from Blaauberg beach where all those mal donners go kite surfing! I remember my uncle rigging a clip on the line and using a cloth "sail" allowing the fishing line with bait to go offshore. Of course with a lekker south easter you dont have any issues. Now all these clever goeters...seems like its a piece of old takkie!! Ide sure like to give it a go!! :wfish Stuey are we packing a kite in for our 'mission'

joe struwig

New member
i didn't read all the feedback, but tried a very easy & cheap method once at klakbay, & my line ran off to it's very end. Balloon!!!!

make a baited leader line of 2-3m with a small sinker to just keep the bait below the water surface (seagulls snap it up during the day - night's fine), then a swivel & inflated balloon. put it all into the water & watch it disappear - forever!!!!

nice thing is that your bait's at a constant depth of around 2-3m, so bottom feeders don't get it.

very important: wind needs to blow from the beech toward the sea!!

good luck.



joe struwig wrote:
i didn't read all the feedback, but tried a very easy & cheap method once at klakbay, & my line ran off to it's very end. Balloon!!!!

make a baited leader line of 2-3m with a small sinker to just keep the bait below the water surface (seagulls snap it up during the day - night's fine), then a swivel & inflated balloon. put it all into the water & watch it disappear - forever!!!!

nice thing is that your bait's at a constant depth of around 2-3m, so bottom feeders don't get it.

very important: wind needs to blow from the beech toward the sea!!

good luck.


Joe :  Balloon is Ok If the wind is blowing it's Moer off , but when you Putting out a Bonny - china it needs to go Out and Fast too .
If the Bait is small and , like a Pillie for E.g - eish - by the time old slow boat gets beyond the breakers it's gonna Be all But Gone .

Getting a bonny head out through the Breakers should Be s Chasllenge of Note with a Balloon . 
A balloon wont Be pulled under , but It sure as heck is gonna Be SLowwwwwww to Get out .  I did theballoon fishing thing at the southern Cape Event . It was funny as heck - I used a pink One I found in the Car - but It worked like A bomb .

 I'm just Tired of Not having the dosh to fork out on a Boat thingie Madoodle , and also the Kite is cheap  , light , add's a bit of fun , and gives you The distance .

 Kitefisher- Which Kite Chom ? Everyone Else Seems to Be using the OTHER two Models of kites , whereas i seem to Like the Hi-fly - they do however , appear to Be more expensive .

Psy- I Like This idea man. It wont always Work - but Just think Of Going to hartenbos and Letting your Bait out 600 m ??????????????? Yoh !!!


Def ,that Skymaster on the Hi-Fly site looks the dogs' ghoons.The reason for different kites is mainly because some of them can be tacked to an extent .Maybe 10-15 Degrees to the wind.The good old square is arguably the one which handles a tack best ,due to the tail adding stability,when veering into the breeze. If you fancy the Skymaster or Skymonster,go for it,just bear in mind with the Monster you are going to have a hard time to retrieve,when the wind really picks up,the Master therefor looks the more allround winner.This is also a reality with a large square kite,I have one of a meter Square,and it fly's on a fart,but hell once its out there,you do the same thing to get it back.

A kite also needn't go to waste ,you can always entertain your children,or in you two old ballies's case the grandchildren with it,when not fishing.

The simplest way ,as described a few posts back needn't cost you much,basically only a kite,which you attach to your heavy shark outfit ,and fly that bonnie out,if the wind allows,if not, you leave it tied on top of your bag,and slide.

@ Joe Struwig, a balloon can work in a serious off-shore and even better when that wind is coupled to a rip going out,.Guys use Helium-filled balloons as well,.Problem with that is getting the Helium to fill prior to launch.Only way to have a lekker big balloon filled with Helium is to sit untill last round at the Spur and bribe one of the waitresses to fill your "Rough-Rider" without asking questions.By the time you get your helium -filled balloon to the water it could be a bit like a second-marriage honeymoon without Viagra,you know, a bit "pap".Nonetheless balloons work,but a kite needn't be that expensive.

I know that in Hawaii,for instance,locals use refuse bags.like our big black ones,and fill them with air,tie with an elastic band,and that gives you a huge surface for the wind to catch onto,with the tide pulling back thay get baits out chop-chop.

Lastly Def, 600m will get you in some Nunu's,but so will 250-300m,which is already a tad further than most people can cast a Bonnie. 



Senior Member
Hi guys

I have been doing kite fishing for quite a few years and if I can help you wth advice I will.
I use a boat rod with rollers, 80 or 130lbs tip.
Penn Senator 10/0 and 12/0 filled wth 130lbs Dacron.
5 to 10 meter s/steel trace 49 strand wire.
Build my own kites with black bags. (600 to 1200mm)
Gimbel bucket and a kidney harness.
3 x 10/0 to 2 x 14/0 hooks depending on bait.
S/steel wite to rig bait with hooks.
Scarborough reel with 100-200 30lbs fishing line to fly kike.
Off shore or cross off shore wind.

Any more advice you are welcome to contact me and I will help you where you do not understand or how to use it.


NB: I am in JHB if you are close we can meet and I will help you.:ssswim:


Thunder ,now that offer is to good to miss for the JHB boys,proper Sealine spirit.

Your list of equipment checks to a tee,although I use lighter tackle nowadays.Did you perhaps do any of the Requin or Sha-Cuda Kite-comps at St Lucia in the 1980's?.

:welcomesea:and more so here on the kite-forums,enjoy it. and we are looking forward to your sharing of knowledge.


Senior Member

Yes I did quite a few of the comps. No more clubs that I know of.

Like I said, anybody who wants to start or need advice is welcome to contact me.



The only one I know of,with loads of enthusiasm,lots of ideas,an evergrowing membership-tally,who freely share info,who are looking forward to your participation, must then be....................




Opinion please ~ Saltist 50 as a kite reel with braid and dyneema.

What are your ideas or.......:fbash




Sorry Psy,only saw this now.

There are no absolutes in Kite-fishing as in all the other disciplines,one can use initiative.I am not sure what your total capacity will add up to but lets assume 700meters in total.

You will reach most if not all backlines with 250m,if you are using the one rod system and you take the angle of line into account you could have 3oo meters out ,maybe a tad more depending on height of Kite (make a rhyme everytime,lol).

You get a pickup and you are left with 400meters,lots of line plus the added advantage of the fish also fighting the kite,and possibly a ballast bottle which adds to drag.

Worst that can happen is you lose all your line,and the fish(what's one fishy,lol),second worst, you can lose the fish by holding onto your near empty spool,and breaking off,on your braid Dyneema join,,third worst case scenario (keeps getting better) it breaks hopefully at your leader.The fith worst scene,which also equals the best scenario, YOU CATCH A BIG FISH,with line to spare.

If you are going to drop,the maths are more in your favour,250meters out ,probably 260-270 line out depending on how far back you stand.

p.s In the unlikely event that you drop and dont get the pick-up,you must wind your big bait and sinker in without pumping the rod,to get it as tightly packed as possible,use a glove or some device to guide the braid.You obviously want it as tight as a nun's (very tight),so that the braid dont cut into itself next time if perhaps you are letting out less line and get a pick-up.(makes sense???

If it is over sandy terrain you can rest every 50Meters and then "laat waai" again,unfortunately you may get stuck if over foul bottom,so off the bricks drop closer as your arm may feel it after 150meters or so,lol

