kitefisher wrote:
What line and lenght should be used for the kite?
@ Critter,for a start I would suggest a Windsong square fishing kite as per their site,onion bag as tail or nylon ski-rope with a few knots at the bottom( 5-7).Simple method with an exact off-shore,Fly the kite out 120-150 meters,take fishing rod with 30 meter leader,tie kite with knot onto leader,as near as possible to main-line,but on leader (thickness,purposes),attach live-bait or any bait to your hook-trace.
Start feeding kite with line ,now flying it with your fishing rod,if you understand me correctly, .20 meters out ,you can if you want to attatch a piece of black refuse bag as a marker with a clothes peg,(must be able to remove very easily.
Feed more line and let your bait go through the surf,or off the rocks.Everything is like mentioned now on one rod,you determine the distance,if the kite draws your bait out the water,you shoul attatch a 1liter coke bottle(plastic) near your trace,half-filled or filled as necessary with water to keep bait in water.
When marker goes down,wind untill all slack is out of your line and strike a few good ones,to compensate for the kite tugging at your line as well.Play fish until marker comes near, if from the rocks,or move back as far as possible on a beach,(get side-kick to remove marker on peg,quickly),keep playing fish whilst reeling in the fishing line and kite line both onto your reel,not ideal,but if the fish takes line remember the kite will also take line.
What is important with this method is that your kite should still be at a stable height ,even after the fish has been landed,so rather fly it further initially ,than closer , make sense,
Fish released,pay out line until all kite,line is off your fishing reel,and put nother bait,repeat above steps for second fish.
Aleka reel and cheap,to boot are those old Daiwa,450,or950,cant quite remember,easily available second hand.Takes a lot of line,as capacity is necessary,in this method.
Critter,Send pm for more questions.
What line and lenght should be used for the kite?