I have added the images here to:
Mostly the mekong catfish as they are the most numerous and the biggest. It's great you can catch these huge things in a fishing park/pond/lake.
Below - a 500g FC Monster jigging rod with a UK pike/carp bait runner reel. Daiwa regal z 4550brt. It nearly destroyed the reel. The reel was flexing when trying to wind in and the drag locked down couldnt stop the fish for about 15 minutes.
This is the mekong catfish that nearly destroyed the UK reel. A real barrel of a fish.
An amazonian red tail catfish. I found these the strongest pound for pound fighter. They give 100% from the start and usually dive back into their home breaking you off. If you beat them in the first 60 seconds you usually win. They go all out for about 2 to 3 minutes. They only tend to be 15 to 20kg though but the mekong catfish are said to go to 150kg.
My best mekong catfish catch back in 2009.
Also in 2009, caught this on an 8ft 120g spinning rod with a 6500 size surecatch cmd300. This was the first time I went to the park not realising the fish got this big. I had a sore thumb for days after. Fight was about 40 minutes.
baby mekong catfish are very beautiful. They have huge tails for their size giving them power.
These amazonian Pacu were caught in Phuket.
A whopper at a Singapore aquarium
I'm afraid I don't have pictures of the gar or arapaima.
Also have some video clips: