I first have to say, Thank You Boys!!!!!!!!
The information I have just seen is absolutely AMAZING.
In a couple of e-pages you have answered "years" of questions this North American Carp Angler has been wishing to ask!!!
Some of our homeland baits are posted bellow:
The North American Carp Angler (pay lake angler) methods & over-all techniques are very similar to yours. These group of anglers have been fishing for carp in captive & wild fisheries for 80 if not, 90 years.
Line indicators are made from modeling clay & are called Flags.
My associates flag all of our lines.
Tony Crawford is an Associate of mine. He also is an International Guide, Lake owner.
drop him or I a line any tome if you would like more info into our "quiet" USA fishery. Qiet due to the fact that the lake anglers bet $$$$.
Conger & Family
The information I have just seen is absolutely AMAZING.
In a couple of e-pages you have answered "years" of questions this North American Carp Angler has been wishing to ask!!!
Some of our homeland baits are posted bellow:
The North American Carp Angler (pay lake angler) methods & over-all techniques are very similar to yours. These group of anglers have been fishing for carp in captive & wild fisheries for 80 if not, 90 years.
Line indicators are made from modeling clay & are called Flags.
My associates flag all of our lines.
Tony Crawford is an Associate of mine. He also is an International Guide, Lake owner.
drop him or I a line any tome if you would like more info into our "quiet" USA fishery. Qiet due to the fact that the lake anglers bet $$$$.
Conger & Family