hey chaps what you guys say we make another social


deisel wrote:
i think so i dnno if ican make the 18th are you still coming to the one on the first?

i'll try for the 1st, we are coming back from a weeks fishing on the 31st, so doubt it if I will be there on there on the 1st.

but I need the sinkers before I go fishing...........for obvious reasons:fbash


much further from me than leeukop lol im in muldersdrift, ill just drop em at the dam for you mate, ill throw a few leads with ou guys as well


deisel wrote:
we can make it the 18th to accomodate for mike and jan,, lets make the list early so we can add as we go

7. gogo (only if Rory is bringing the Kegs and Momi is not allowed to spill)


shagnrelease wrote:
Homie wrote:
deisel wrote:
hahahaha wil be good to see you again and i might even drink this time,

What ???

:fbash Strawberry Juice ???
agreed...hers me thinking I was going to meet a bunch of rogue fisherman, you let the side down D...^^..
oh jeez ok , if drinking makes me real man then ill get frot with you guys next time, lol,, kumz knows me when im drunk and it aint pretty, almost fell on ass my in front of the entire requin club on my first meeting,, thats what happens when double B&C are 12 bucks a pop


Senior Member
Homie wrote:

Are you going to join us this time ???

I STILL have to get your stuff to you !

The 10th is a long weekend, might not be a lot of folks available.
I'll be in Kzn from 29 Jul to the weekend, but bring that stuff with you on the 1st, should I arrive on Sat. morning from zululand I'll show up at L/kop
I will be there with my cooler box....wooohooo...party time ....but is it the 18th or the 1st ..if it is the 18th i might be at my game farm...so please please make it the 1st...

sorry i can make the 18th i forgot i have a golf day on thr 17th so i wont go to the farm....


Mike Pike

Ok cool.... will be there 18 ... the 1st might be problem as will be on way back from Durbz, but im sure there will be another one for final planning etc for b/bash.??


sorry guys i wont make it my dad was shot and it doesnt look good sorry guys i have to be with him , this is my first chance to connect through my cell it will also be my last for a few weeks, momie and kumz are my eyes and ears cheers thanx