That is a kurper species, where did you catch it? What province? Could be a blue kurper... but difficult to say from photo. Judging from the coloration and fins my best guess would be a blue kurper.Hey,
A friend caught this at a private dam and we are not sure if it is a bluegill or not?
Doubt that, it is too big and the fins are different to vleikurper, they are rarely that dark!vlei kurper, maybe?
I mostly do fly-fishing for anything that swims haha and a bit of bass fishing.
If that was a Vleikurper it would be a record, they don't grow very big!
not too sure about the fins, but I have seen one of similar size and colouration coming out of a small private dam.adam5016 wrote:Doubt that, it is too big and the fins are different to vleikurper, they are rarely that dark!vlei kurper, maybe?