Gw dl


Mike Smith wrote:
Houtarm wrote:
willem wikkel spies wrote:
I saw this post on face brook yesterday

Someone again stirring the pot here!!!

Why on earth, do we always nail other people?
Why do we just want to crucify them always?

We know a drone was used!!!
Ok and they might be yuppies from Gauteng...….
so, do they have first hand knowledge of the species they caught?

why cant we just go and advise them accordingly?

in, guys..... this is a prohibited specie.
put it back in the water asap, lets get it done, I will tell you why, after the save release.

but no, we need to grind them all the way!!!!

wake up gents.
we are anglers, nie maaitjie n......s nie.

lets rather assist and advise correctly.
it will be for the good of us all!!!

I agree to an extent. Some people need to be exposed (think Marius Tredoux Seal Basher), and social media may be the only way to bring attention to such cases. But these days anyone making any mishap (intentional or by accident) gets accused on social media, by people not knowing anything about the situation, who base their opinion on emotion rather than facts.

Someone parks over 2 parkings for a minute, it gets onto FB. Someone leaves there dog in the car for a while, it gets bashed on FB. And everyone jumps onto the band wagon, real mob mentality, which rarely achieves anything other than creating more hate.

This pic of the GW had more than 50 comments when I saw it on FB this morning, mostly just vile hate mongering, by people who had a standard hateful comment ready the moment they see a GW.

The guys that TARGET Gw's, who's actually in the wrong, will never let a pic of them with their catch get exposed on social media. These guys landing it on a beach between people, posing with it, looking very proud of their baby GW. I don't think they had any idea what they are doing is wrong.

Ignorance of the law excuses no-one! Klaar!

Do yourself the favor and familiarize yourself with the matter S v de Blom (S v De Blom 1977(3) SA 513 (A)). Ignorance of the law was upheld as a defense herein.

Remember, there is always three sides to a story... That of the complainant, that of the accused as well as the truth.


@houtarm Waarom jy 'n "wannabee" genoem word weet ek nie.

Volgens my as jy 'n passie het vir hengel en die natuur waardeer ongeag of jy 'n lewe maak deur vis te vang of slegs catch/release beoefen of af en toe iets vir die kole neem.

Dan is jy 'n visserman. Waardeer wat daar buite is, waardeer die natuur en omgewing. Respekteer die visse dan sal daar geen probleem wees nie.:)

willem wikkel spies

Staff member
Janee kyk, Nantes het een verkeerd daar lol!!!

Sometimes turning a blind eye, letting things be has no loss to society!

in this case, a accidental catching of a GW, I cannot think that it was ever their intended target specie.
If I am wrong, then they need to the short end of the stick.

there are, other, much more important issues that needs attention.

under size fish, exceeding bag limits, perlemoen etc.
lets rather focus our energy towards them instead of a innocent accidental catching of a GW.

Geniet julle VADERSDAG!!!!


houtarm ek vra om verskoning . het jou verkeerd verstaan . of sal se ek het verkeerd ge lees . GROOT JAMMER maar dit P@s my sleg af as die mense net wil fout soek . soos die man wat die thread begin het . hy sit nou seker en lag oor die strond wat hy begin stir het . weereens jammer


nantes wrote:
houtarm ek vra om verskoning . het jou verkeerd verstaan . of sal se ek het verkeerd ge lees . GROOT JAMMER maar dit P@s my sleg af as die mense net wil fout soek . soos die man wat die thread begin het . hy sit nou seker en lag oor die strond wat hy begin stir het . weereens jammer

No worries _seal1_


Manne, WWS is reg met daai stelling van hom. Daar is baie goed waarop ons eerder ons energie moet spandeer as lojale hengelaars i.p.v iemand wat (vermoedelik) "ongelukkig" 'n GW geland het.

Jammer vir die effense HI-Jack, maar aangesien hier darem lewe op hierdie spesifieke onderwerp is, is daar enige van julle wat non edibles hier in die Kaap target? Kort mense wat bereid is om berg toe te gaan ens. :)((goodp_

Mike Smith

nantes wrote:
houtarm jy en smith is nou besig om ka@ te praat . julle is die ouens wat wil stir . strond soek wat daar nie is nie .ek het persoonlik al n hele paar haaie gevang . en as ek i GW vang gaan ek n foto neem . hoe sit jy op jou aas n nota wat se n GW mag nie byt nie. jaloers is n lelike ding veral julle soort watt nie baie vang nie . so vir my is julle wanna bee vissersmanne wat net ka# soek

Waarvoor trek jy jou holspier so bymekaar? Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Some may not like it an some may like it. But then again, opinions are like assholes, everybody has one! :welcomesea:

willem wikkel spies

Staff member
Volcom wrote:

And all the underside shad you have "released" with two hooks? Lol

never, all my shad are released wire less!!!
no hooks, no line.
but they do carry my hooks out.....
then sit next to my hooks.
when they see a game fish, they lie dead still and as the game fish strikes....they move off, leaving the game fish to hook itself!!!!

Dit vat n groot mens, om omverskoning op n forum te vra.
Goed gedoen Nantes!!!
Die op, sit regtig agter oor en lag, want hy stir mos die pot.

Lets move on, this tread is done!!! unless other facts are presented here!!!

Ok, whos fishing where and what you targetting?