They work well, especially on gas. But keep them in the shade. I think the smaller ones will work better than the big ones. I had the 70l and as long as you keep it level it works. It is heavy though and it uses a lot of electricity, it's not the type of thing you want to run of a battery really. If you are going to camp and move a lot, it's probably better to cough up for the 12v/220v compressor freezers. Just remember that you need to run these gas freezers fairly often, they must not stand for long times (just plug it in and run for a while if you are not using it). The liquid in the pipes crystallizes and it is damn expensive to repair when that happens and not many people can fix it.
Pylstert wrote:
They work well, especially on gas. But keep them in the shade. I think the smaller ones will work better than the big ones. I had the 70l and as long as you keep it level it works. It is heavy though and it uses a lot of electricity, it's not the type of thing you want to run of a battery really. If you are going to camp and move a lot, it's probably better to cough up for the 12v/220v compressor freezers. Just remember that you need to run these gas freezers fairly often, they must not stand for long times (just plug it in and run for a while if you are not using it). The liquid in the pipes crystallizes and it is damn expensive to repair when that happens and not many people can fix it.
I run mine on 12v only when driving.And isolate it as soon as i turn the car off. I agree with Pylstert. This is a camping fridge and not something you want to take on a overland trip Doing more driving than camping. But if you are stationary Its great.9kg Gas will last for 2 weeks 247.
Depends on your needs. If you are going to park off for a week in one spot then gas is the obvious choice. Otherwise you will need to constantly charge batteries. If you're road tripping then 12v compressor fridge is better.why battle just get one off those 12volt/220 national luna friges in my opinion those parifin/ gas friges are a pain