Durban Dropshot Locations


Senior Member
Okay so some locations have been mentioned for dropshotting or salt water lure angling.  where do you guys fish and is it safe ie: blue lagoon, ansteys, vechies pier etc.




New member
Drewmill , Check out the latest ESA mag . They list all the good spots both dropshot & other in & around Umkomaas. There is also a similar article for Ballito where they even go as far suggesting lures & jig sizes .


Dont be too quick to expect all that esa says about those arears !!! I fished the same spots around the 30 April, with very little success !!! a lot of blacktails though !


Senior Member
Can you guys tell us where about in Blue Lagoon are the dropshot spots?

What about to right hand side of Ushaka, there is a stone like pier,can one fish from there.

Please let me know?I have an entire week free in Durbs before I head to Margate and want to do some good fishing time.


Senior Member
Hi Esatpil,

wen i fish blue lagoon i always start from the mouth
all the way to the bridge.

i found the Berkely sandeel being most effective for the kingies


Senior Member

Thanks man...So the bridge is past the Radio Control Yacht pool and Coconut Grove

Sorry for the questions trying to determine my bearings here.


New member
Hi all i am very new to the dropshot crase and i am loving it even thoug i have not caut anything yet he he i need to know wat i amdoing wrong cause i get the fish to jerk and bite all my lures to bits but just cant seem to hook one i found a very very sweet spot in Scottburbg where you actualy see kings swimming around and atack the lure but no luck and please where should i fish around rocks or from the beach into the surf where where where where please help..


Senior Member
esatpil, that be correct....theres also a pipe inbetween the mouth & sum nice results there...

Bleumarlyn, use to suffer from the same...
make sure u DONT STOP reeling, cos once u stop, the chase will def stop...
hey u must share this area in scotties with us well
btw wot jigheads u using


New member
like i said i am new i do not know the name but they look like little fish about 50 to 100mm long and the other is a worm with lots of legs he he the spot is just about 500m south of main beach pool opposit the caravan park is a small natural rock pool next to that pool is a huge rock you can stand on and cast into the surfe there is a reef there with a lot of activity but only and i say only low tide i made the mistake of waiting to long, the tide came in and ya use ur imagination he he he he but what lure and wait should i use cause if i use lo light curent and wind takes it and to heavy goes far but does not look natural and the hook looks to big


Senior Member
[color="#006600"]Andz[/color] wrote:
esatpil, that be correct....theres also a pipe inbetween the mouth & sum nice results there...

Bleumarlyn, use to suffer from the same...
make sure u DONT STOP reeling, cos once u stop, the chase will def stop...
hey u must share this area in scotties with us well
btw wot jigheads u using
Hi Bleu,

Jighead = leadhead + hook not the lure

What size you using because these kingies will hit big hooks too


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New member
went out today for a few hours and had a few good hits and hooked a fare sized one but it let go before i landed it sad hey...... wellplease any assistance with bait, tackle or tecnique would be great thanx allot


Senior Member
thats a good question


wit the scented baits....i got results at nite....but only black

Andre Laas

The last time I fished Blue Lagoon the water was extremely clear, and I could see hoardes of mullet and glassies, but not much else. I did however have great fun with the flatheads! Went right upto the bridge and casted a berkley camo sandworm on a 1/8 ounce round jighead. I got my best results by casting tight against the bridge pilon, and alow the worm to drift downstream.